Giant George was a blue Great Dane previously recognised as the world's tallest living dog, and the tallest dog ever by Guinness World Records. There were originally conflicting media reports regarding his height, but the official measurement showed that he was three-quarters of an inch taller than the previous record holder, Titan (at 43 inches (110 cm) at the withers) and an inch shorter than the subsequent record holder, Zeus.
At home he slept in a queen-sized bed, and one of his hobbies was to ride around his family's neighborhood in a golf cart. While traveling to Chicago for his 2010 appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, George was given a row of three airline seats to himself. He caused a commotion with fellow passengers visiting him to take photographs. "There were so many people coming to the front of the plane, the pilot ended up illuminating the 'fasten seat belt' sign to get everyone to sit down," explained his owner, David. During the flight, George along with David and wife Christine had to sit in the bulkhead, the partition that divides first class from the rest of the passengers. They were to fly first class on American Airlines, but they found that there wasn't enough room for George and instead flew the following day.
The records were announced by Oprah Winfrey on February 22, 2010 when George appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show. George had been awarded the titles secretly on February 15, 2010, with Oprah's producers asking all parties and media to keep the announcement quiet until after his appearance on the show. Inquiries had been made by the show for George to appear prior to him gaining the titles; however, his owner requested that they hold off their appearance until Guinness had reviewed his application.