Best Team Names of August 2017!

Disney Trivia
- We Mermaid for Each Other
- Someday my quiz will come
- Maleficent's Minions
- We Look Good From Jafar
- Bibbity-bobbity-booze
- Turn Down For Walt
- “Taste My Sun Sweet Berries If You Can Find My Hidden Pine Trail” - John Smith
- Hakuna Mavodka - It Means No Memories
- Pirates of the Perineum
- We’d Love To Sit On Pinnochio’s Nose and Listen to Him Lie
- Cherry Poppins
- Our Magic Carpet Matches the Drapes
- Whistle While You Twerk
- Walt Quizney
- Gaston, winner of the "No Belle" Prize
- I Never Said Minnie Was Crazy, I Said She Was Fucking Goofy
- Frank handed me a bottle that said "Drink Me" and said he wanted to show me a whole new world 
- Rub Me Three Times and I'll Cum Out

Friends Trivia
- We were on [summer] break
- The one where we win
- The one where they all go to trivia
- Joey Triviani
- I'm having my brother's babies!
- I'll be there for Usingers
- I happen to like 8 year-old boys
- They don't know that we know they know we know
- I'm Monica and I'm Disgusting. I Stalk Guys and Steal Their Underpants
- Team Big Fat Goalie and the Crapbags 
- Don't Make Me Go Red Ross 
- Chandlers Nubbin 
- Rachel's Not The Only One With Hard Nipples
- Shooting with Althea
- The one where Jennifer Aniston's Nipple are Hard
- Sharper than Jennifer Aniston's Nipples
- Team Unagi: A Total State of Trivia Awareness
- We are kick you in the crotch spit on your neck fantastic
- Viva Las Gaygas!!
- The I Hate Rachel Green Club
- The Joey Trivianis
- Joey Doesn't Share Answers
- The Transponsters
- Seven, Seven, Seven, Seven!
- Matthew Perry's Cocaine Hookup

Bavarian Bierhaus
- Michael Jackson is Beatin It 
- Lil Sebastian's Keepers

Brass Monkey
- Buster Hyman & the Penetrators
- Don't Be a Dummy, Quiz on her Tummy
- If Mom's Purse Doesn't Belong in the Microwave, Why Did It Fit? - Ralph Wiggum
- Sarah Jessica Horseface
- Don't drink OJ! It will kill you!
- I tried to see the eclipse, but something was in the way. It was Uranus.

Caffrey's Pub
- Paramount your Mom

- The Ape Wonder of the World!
- "Scaramucci" is My Safe Word
- Put Some Peanut Butter on it and Let it Go
- Ryan is Short for Bryan
- Steve Bannon Did  NAZI That Coming
- Lori's Safe Word is "HARDER"
- My Life Alert Doesn't Have a Battery

Camp Bar, Shorewood
- I Call My Dick Cheney Because It Shoots People In The Face
- Resistence to John Mayer's Penis is Futile
- Total Eclipse of the Pun
- Total Eclipse of the Shart
- We Got Mooned Today
- Don't Hassle the Hoff
- Rock You Like Hurricane Harvey 
- The Gay Republicans
- An Almost Unfair Team Size, But We Still Lost
- Don't Clamp Your Foot In A George Foreman Grill
Camp Bar, Third Ward
- Sex with a Stripper is like Monopoly - there's a chance and a community chest
- ScaraMOOCH, ScaraMOOCH, do you do the fandango?
- Casting Couch Agents
- Paul Walker Driving School
- How does the moon clip his hair? E-clipse it!
- Great Wall of Va-Gina
- No means yes, and yes means anal
- Texas isn't the only thing wet right now
Camp Bar, Tosa
- We'll Show You Our BIG Endowment
- In Gloryhole Bastards
- Most Nights My Tug-of-War Team is Only 1
- I Used to be Addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but I Turned Myself Around
- Betty White's Soft, Supple Nips
- The Eclipse Was Like Bad Sex... You Waited for Something Spectacular, but Meh...
- German Word for Bra: 'Holdsthemfromfloppin'
- Mayweather's School for Kids who Don't Read Good
- In last place... the new White House communications director
- So many questions about white dudes!
- The Trump Presidency: Greatest Reality Show since Jersey Shore 
- If i wanted to get bitten by this many bugs, I would've banged your sister
- One way or another, I'm gonna getcha getcha - says Jeffrey Dahmmer
- The solar eclipse "comes" as frequently as I do with your sister
- If Big Boob, New York were real, Donald Trump would have groped it by now.
- We prefer Kale with a silent "k"
- Houston, We've Got a Lot Of Problems 
- We Drink and We Know Things
- We Drink and We Know Things Too
- We Will Inspect Your Gadget
- Can You Feel the Pugs Tonight
- Hurricane Harvey's Sloppy Seconds

Dugout 54
- Grab her by the platypussy

Jack's American Pub
- Winter is cumming and so am I!
- Grab them by the Platypussies 
- The largest ogrin in a mammal is my dick
- So the sun can blackout on Monday but we cant.
- I'm erectus, no homo
- Beer makes smart

JB's on 41
- Even Super Models Can Get Crabs
- Rufio, Rufiooooooo! #bangerang
- This Is My Powerball Backup Plan
- Summers Out for School
- What Does Anthropomorphic Mean?

The Landing at Hoyt Park
- A 26 foot ladder trumps a 25 foot wall
- Not That Couple At State Fair 
- Sorry For The Bears, Cutler Is Back 
- If It's Not A D, It's Not For Me 
- Back to Front Wipers
- Next Week's New White House Press Secretaries
- Total eclipse of my fart
- Why is it called a "phenomenon" when the sun blacks out on a Monday, but when we do it, it's a "problem"
- Honorable mention: Drink Apple juice cuz OJ will kill you
- Its warm and moist inside

Loaded Slate
- You Mohammad me horny
- What's green and smells like bacon? Kermit the frogs fingers
- North Korea is best Korea
- In dog beers we've only had one
- I quizzed on your mom
- Quiz on my face and tell me you love me
- Jack Johnson's Johnson
- Her brown eye gave me pink eye
- Better late than pregnant

Lucky Chance
- The Bartenders Aren't the Only Ones Who Like Big Ol' Fat Tips
- Stephen Hawking's School of Dance

- I'm Not Gay but $20 is $20
- Freudian Slip: when you say one thing but mean your mother
- We Don't Use Google
- Miller Low Life's
- I am a sexual predator... this is not a team name

Milwaukee Ale House
- Did Stevie Wonder cut your hair?
- I wish this microphone was a giant penis
- Quiz Khalifa
- Multiple Scoregasms!
- "Thank you, come again" - Paul's Mom
- Back To Front Wipers
- My Garden Party Went Tiki Torchless Thanks to Charlottesville
- Total Eclipse Of The Smart
- Custer’s Last Double Scoop
- Donald Trump’s Burnt Retinas
- Your Singing Sucks Almost as Much As Your Mom
- Nothing Makes Winter Cum Faster Than 6 Inches of Snow
Milwaukee Brat House
- Yeah we're sad about missing the killers concert too
- West Korea, best Korea
- Honeymooning at brat house (clap for them!)
- Fire and fury like the worlds never seen in my pants
- Alternative facts
- Littlefinger's throat vagina

New Berlin Ale House
- Offintheshower (Because nobody beats off in the shower!)
- I got 99 problems and this quiz is one
- State Fair Sex Tape
- Let's Get Quizzical!
- Too much liquor makes me quizzee!

-  I lasted longer than 10 questions, unlike Scaramucci
- 5 inches combined
- Dahmer's Quality Meats
- Yount seen nothing yet
- Rusty's Ball Jugglers

Red Rock Saloon
- Just the Tip...No Cheetos
- Whoops! Wrong hole. 

Saz's State House
- Alcatraz Swim Team

Three Lions Pub
- Scaramucci, Scaramucci can you do the fandango
- Poutine down the competition
- Phallic Baldwin

The Tosa Tavern
- Quiz-itten Kane
- Joe's getting a divorce so we play trivia
- No, I'm not dialated #41 weeks
- The So-Called Quizlamic State
- Our loss will touch you even thought our score can't
Uptown Tavern
- I thought this was speed dating

Von Trier
- I saw the eclipse and all I got was a detached retina
- The team to the left of us cheated, but we are not comfortable with confrontation

Whiskey Bar
- Shout out to princess Diana for having a spotless driving record for 20 years
- Gary Coleman lived a short life
- Houston we Harv a problem
- Alicia keys gives me a tromboner


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