Swiftie Trivia
- Filling In the Blank Spaces
- Teardrops on my answer sheet
- Nothing good starts in a Trivia Bar
- Wildest and wettest dreams at only 15....not so innocent
- This is us trying
- My Beers Ricochet
- Death by a Thousand Guesses
- Eagle (s)Parks Fly
- It's too late for you and your white audi to come around
- Can't spell trivia without travis
- All too well-versed
- Some indie trivia team name that's much cooler than ours
- In our trivia era,
- Did you ever have someone quiz you in a crowded room,
- Travis should take her last name
- All my homies hate Kanye
- Swift Answers
2024 Trivia
- Demure like Jimmy Carter
- C U Next Tuesday
- I died inside in 2024
Reality TV Trivia
- Homeless Not Toothless
- Reality Bad
- Real Homeless Wives of Paliside Hill
- Real Housewives of Jack’s American Pubes
- Gym, Trivia, Laundry
- Reality von spilt tease
- Scrub me harder daddy
1840 Brewing
- D.A.R.E. To Be The Drugs
- The REAL Housewives of the Kettle Moraine
Baldwin Street Grill
- Quigley's Down Under
The Barrel Yard
- Dairyland Daisies
- My Baby is my DD
- Definitely Not Google
Bassett Street Brunch Club
- Ketchup bottle
BJs Crafty Tap
- We're drinkers not thinkers
- Princess peaches fantastic peach fuzz
- Beauty and Brains
- We took it up the Bhutan
Brass Monkey
- What Would Diddy Do?
- Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? Come to Brass Monkey Wednesday nights from 7-9 PM!
- Research says 6 out of 7 dwarves are not Happy.
- Womb Raider
- Kelcium & Speedo
- Andy The Big Three: Bob Ross, Levar Burton, and Bill Nye
- A “flamboyance” is a group of Lance Bass fans.
Cafe Hollander - Brookfield
- Big Trivia Energy
- Justin Trudeau, Cafe Hollander is Hiring
- Real Husbands of Wisconsin
- Seeker, Chaser, Beater, and Keeper is My Dating Strategy
- Thin Quizzy
Cafe Hollander - Madison
- No Woman’s Quote in Round 3, Pick us otherwise you are sexist
- The Big Pimpin’ Housewives of Madison
- This baby wasn’t too wiggly but he could’ve Ben Stiller
- I have a Gela-Toe fetish
- The British are Cumming: One if by Hand and Two if by V
- AYO, Buzz Lightyear DUMMY THICC, am I right? This is not their team name, just my opinion.
- HA! ——> nice ———> (69 points total)
Cafe Hollander - Mequon
- Hollander? I hardly know her
- Ben Stiller? I barley know her
- Quizmaster? I hardly know her
- Moister than an Oyster
- Party Planning Committee
Caffrey's Pub
- You know what else spans 12 inches?
- Gulf of Caffrey’s Inhabitants
- Titanic Dickens… Giggity
Camp Bar - Shorewood
- Providing balls for you mom since 1902
- Katy Perry doesn’t recycle
- I'd like to mount McKinley
- We’re sinking our score like the titanic
Camp Bar - Third Ward
- Imagine A Good Team Name... Jinx
- Tom Brady's Nylons Smell Like Sulphur
- I Imagine George Clooney Crocodile Rockin My Boston
- Eiffel Tower... We Hardly Know Her!
- Suck On These Red Globes
- I Would Eat Michael Phelps 12 Inch Sub While Tom Hanks And Drake Eiffel Tower Me
- Imagine You're In Love And They Send You The Grey Heart
- 7 Cosmos And I Will Commit The Deadliest Sin With FDR
- I Thought Freshwater Eel Was Poonani
- Betty Write And The Quizzly Bears
- The Pull Tab Pull Outs
Camp Bar - Tosa
- Jurass is grass
- Knock knock knocking on Luke’s back door
- Milano cookies are the best
- I paid way too damn much for college to be this dumb
Cedar Jacks
- Sinking like the Titanic
- Left our Brains in the fjord
- Pete and the brain farts
- D-licious and the secret sauces
- Frozen titties
- Next time, namaste my ass home
The Copper Turtle
- This is literally a first date, I’m so nervous
- WI didn’t start the fires
Crafty Cow - Milwaukee
- Thanks to Ronald Reagan breaking down the Berlin Wall with his massive fists I can rip the fattest wettest cumulonimbus vape cloud god bless america
- 175 Year Old Larry King is the beater and keeper of MY water hole
Crafty Cow - Oconomowoc
- How Many Lowe’s’ could Rob Lowe Rob?
- Butt Hole, Butt Pump, Butt Tank
- By all accounts, it doesn't make sense
Crafty Cow - Tosa
- Short and fat, like your Guam
- We forgot some of the answers because we have micronesia
- these questions were harder than me when I'm watching the Real Housewives of Dubai
- Samuel Colt experimented with drugs too
- 2 days down, 1,459 to go
- Testicle hair makes me YAK!
Deer Camp
- Spiderbaby(s)
- This is going to ruin the world tour….
- RIP Bob Uecker (who was probably hung like a sperm whale)
- Laurel or Yanny
- Founding Fatties
Eagle Park Brewing - Hamilton
- This is the Second-Best January 6th I’ve Ever Had
- Big Ghandi Energy,
- New Year Still Bad At Trivia
- Back to the future? More like back to fuck my mom!
- John Quincy on my Harding till I JFK
- Make America warm again
- I’ve been in situationships shorter than the TikTok ban
- The deadliest Jack in a jiffy
- Barry Manilow went down on Lola like the titanic
Eagle Park Brewing - Muskego
- Drink apple juice because OJ will kill you
- Juno we won
- We skipped homework to study African flags
- She park on my Eagle until I brew
- Our team name was going to be in French but the host can’t pronounce it :)
- Madi has been making my cosmos wrong the past 2 years! (Madi is 2 years old)
- Our loud kids are your birth control
Gathering Place Brewing
- Solid to Gas: Anything from Taco Bell
- Even Ray Charles could see that the Packers Recovered that Kickoff
- Allegedly Bad at Trivia and Spelling
- Saint Luigi: Deny Defend Depose
Good City Brewing - Tosa
- Wendy pommeled on my Jurassic horse
- 2 girls 1 quiz
- Welcome to good….uh, explorium
Horse & Plow
- Is It 2026 Yet?
- Hot Flashers
- We Thought This Was Speed Dating
- Wurst Kase Scenario
The Hub
- Tusch Gardens
- Hey Mr Softee, take your 10 inches of wood and Jack in the Box!
- Never Trust a Peter
Izzy Hops
- Cumulonimbus cum crime family
- Star Wars VII: The Foreskin Awakens
- Flaccid Reflux
Jack's American Pub
- Came for the trivia, stayed for the bartenders *best name*
- 69-ing in King Tuts tomb with extra Vaseline
Lake Louie Brewing
- Seldom Right, Always Left.
Lion's Tail Brewing
- my ex wife calls me Mr softee… she took the kids.
- the more shits you take, the more shits you leave behind
- Pabst Smear Blue Ribbon
- Itty Bitty Quizzy Committee
Milwaukee Brat House - Shorewood
- The cunnilingus cloud is full of moisture
- Skibidi toilet rizzlers
- Canada-The next biggest us territory
- Your mom prefers the British pound
- Hit it and quidditch
- Jay-z’s day care
- For a mediocre time, visit dickpics.com/ben
- Medusa gets me hard
- I drive a Subaru and I’m not a lesbian
- Girth, wind and fire
- Once you go yak, you’ll never go back
- She yaked my testies until I schwarzeneggered
- Joe Biden never worked at McDonald’s
Milwaukee Brewing Co.
- Can you smell what the rock of Gibraltar is cooking?
- RFK Jr.'s Brain Worm
Mo's Irish Pub - Tosa
- no one expected the Spanish inQUIZition
- Gibralter?! I hardly know her!
Molly McGuire's
- I gave up my 401k for this
- Siemens swimmers
North Pillar Brewing
- Mr. Softee, that sounds real good” said no woman ever… until tonight.
- Question 6 should have been Uranus
- The S term describing an element changing directly from a solid to a gas… Shart
- Ray Charles is Legally Blond
- The more shits you take, the more shits you leave behind
- Beer drinking priests & nuns
- I thought Tupacs prison name was flamboyance
- Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul vs Silverback Gorilla
- The Thilverback Gorillath
- 2 master's and a bachelor's degree and we don't know shit
- RIP Bob Uecker
- Roundhay Garden Scene Lasts Longer than Me
- Spinner! I hardly know 'er!
- RFK gets shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shots
Ope Brewing
- Mr Gorbachev, whip that cock out
- Big pimpin in Larry Kings 69 Chevy
- The real housewives of Larry King
- Sully called Paul revere a Cracker Barrel
- it’s okay, Biden forgot he was president too.
Panther Pub
- You’re Gayer than Greenwich
- Asshole, ass pump, ass tank
Pete's Pub
- Aphro-Diddy: Goddess of baby oil
- Wolf lion boy boy
- State of my butt address
Pilot Project Brewing
- Juuuuust a bit outside
- Libya, Kenya, & Triviya
- U Conn suck deez nuts
Pomona Cider Co
- We're so High we place last
- Itty bitty Quiz-y Committee
- Personality Hires
Raised Grain Brewing
- Mohammeds
- The Third Largest Mammal is your mom
- Jenna and the Jenatails
- Ripper? I barely know 'er!
- Magneto on my Black Caviar
- You Wouldn’t Last An Hour In The Asylum Where They Raised (Grained) Me
Rally Time
- "To Smithereens" is Probably The Worst Way To Be Blown
Sahale Ale Works
- Tha...Tha...That's all, John!!
- Superman stole our Heisman Trophy
- You mother/heavy/wide fu*%er
- That was way too Hard (That's What she said)
- The Not so clean Jerks
- Juuuuuuust a bit outside of the winners circle!
- Please Excuse John's Dirty Martini Tongue
- Stephen Hawking's Pit Crew
Skippy's Burger Bar
- Greenland Freedom Fighters
- The Kansas City Queefs
- Mo Monet, Mo Problems
- Gulf of America's Number 1 Trivia Team
Station 1 Brewing
- New Year Canoodlers
- Shitake Mushroom Fever Dream
- They don’t like the Flintstones in Dubai, but people are n Abu Dhabi Do!
- We Thought This Was Speed Dating
- Hugh Janis
Third Space Brewing
- I Don't do Drugs, I'm Batman
- Trinidad 🇹🇹 Yacht Extras
- Ruh Roh, Rot Rhe Rak Resticles
Three Lions Pub
- If I keep eating here, I will no longer be a slender man
- Call Me Joseph Pujol After a Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese
- We can’t picture us wining?
- I’m not blind, but I can’t see my way to trivia answers
- Wrestling with Mr Softee
- Mr Softee Needs Hims
- Phil My Collins
- Quarter pounder, I barely know her
- Big D in my Speedo- Real or Fake??
- There’s Always Money in Frozen Banana Hammocks
Whole Foods - Streeterville
- Operation Dessert Storm.
- Tonight I'm going to get the Big D
- The Golf of Mexico/America.
Whole Foods - Tosa Tavern
- Mohammed, I Shrunk the kids
- Baby spider Doo Doo doo doo doo
- Spider-Babies aren’t real!
- Sam hunts golf buddies
- 2 seconds, sounds familiar
- If the glove quits you have to acquit
- Fear and Lothing in the USA