Harry Potter Trivia
- 2 Elves, One Sock
- You're gettin' on mi-nervas
- Unsoliciated Wand Pic
- Granger Zone
- We Hufflepuffed, but didn't inhale
- 10 pints for Gryffindor
- Hungry Hungry Hippogriffs
- Ron Voyage
- Umbridge is a Bitch
- Roonil Wazlib is my Porn Star Name
- School of Bitchcraft and Quizardry
- Viktor Krum on my face (72)
- Avoid R. Kelly's Chamber of Secrets
- Slytherin to your Chamber of Secrets and I'll Parsel tongue you
- We don't give a Huffelfuck
- We may not be 10s but our moms say we're at least 9 3/4
- It's TriviOsa, not TriviosA
- Griffindorable
- WINgardium Triviosa
- 99 Problems, Golden Snitch Ain't One
- Parseltongue My Way Into Your Chamber of Secrets
- Neville Gonna Give You Up, Neville Gonna Let You Down
- The insufferable know-it-alls the
- Neville gonna give you up Neville gonna give you up, Neville gonna let you down
- We were the first to make myrtle moan
- The team who must not be named
- Son of a Snitch
- Butterbeer is brewed with corn syrup
- We solemnly swear our trivia team is no good
- The Treacle Tart who tried to make Longbottom Hungarian Horntail Love Good
- Dobby is a Free Elf, Bitch
- Neville Gonna Give you Up, Neville Gonna Let you Down, Neville Gonna Ron Around and Curse You
- Harry Porter 9.75 ABV (like Platform 93/4)
- Granger? I hardly know her!
- Accio Beer
- Snapes on a Plane
- Gryffindorks
- The Little Snitches
- Alas, Earwax
- Knock, Knock, Knock-in on Dumble's Door
- Hit It and Quidditch
- Your momma's so far her patronus is a cake
- Makin Myrtle's Moan
- Wanna Slytherin? That's what she said
- Hogwarts, a Quiztery
- Easy Peasy Lemon Weasley
42 Ale House
- If you need a date tomorrow text 920-841-2995 #foreveralone
- She must have frank polyjuice potion, because she didn’t look like that last night
- Abraham lincoln furby hunters
Ale Station
- Our Mom's Made Us Come (To Trivia)
- Modern Menopausal Women Who Cant Spell
Bank Shot
- My Grandma Doesnt Wrestle, but You Should See Her Box
- Riding Me Rubicon Style
- I Thought This Was Speed Dating
- Great Minds Drink Alike
Bavarian Bierhaus
- Turnips for what?
- Date knights of the round table
Bilda's Friess Lake Pub
- Weirdly Wet Wine Witches
- Jim's Meat Market. We Beat Your Meat for Less
- America's Moist Wanted
Black Husky Brewing
- “P’Canada, the 10th P country
- Terrible at trivia, terrific at tamales
- Schindler’s making his list and checking it twice
Brass Monkey, West Allis
- In 2019, which female set the Guiness World Record for the highest pants worn? Quizmaster Katelin
- Opening Day in 50 Days!
- Why was the snowman smiling? The snowblower was coming!
- I hope the next 6 inches I get... isn't snow!
- I'll fill in the blank if the blank is your mouth
- My turtle dick is waiting for spring
- Robert Kraft's Dill Pickle Dry Rub
Caffrey's Pub
- Tom Brady Still Kisses His Kids on the Mouth
- They Call Me Daddy
- Balls to the Hoop
- A Horse with No Name
- Better late than pregnant
- The cream filled Twinkie hustlers
- I wish this microphone was a penis (HA!)
- Soft and ready
Camp, Shorewood
- These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty
- Tom Hanks Totally Banged Wilson
- I'd Be A Villian Too If Jasmine Would Kiss Me
- It's A National Emergency! We Don't Know The Answers!
- They Used Fried Chicken To Lure Trump Out Of The Tub, But Not Because He Was Stuck
Camp Bar, Third Ward
- Super Mario Bros Before Hoes
- This Popcorn Is Making Me Thirsty
- A Crocodile with Ereptile Dysfunction
- When Robert goes Downey on me I have a genetically modified orgasm
- Taylor and the Meat Sweats
- Team Quizlamabad
- Rollie Fingers My B-Side With Taft's Butter
- Slide into your DMs like the Trojan Horse
- Robert Kraft's Day Spa
Camp Bar, Tosa
- The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Adam Levine's Nipples
- I call my penis Edelweiss, cuz every morning it greets me!
- Will Smith’s Genie “Blue” Himself
- Say what you want about pedophiles… but at least they drive slow through school zones
- You won’t get to see these tears I cry, behind these Buscemi eyes
- The 6th most used rock in my home... crack
- R Kelly Prefers 42% of the Population
- The Trojan Horse was only 99.99% effective
- I thought Robert Kraft was against taking a knee
Club 400
- My drinking team has a trivia problem.
- Titanic Swim Team
Compass Bar
- ABV stands for awesome butt videos
- Christopher Walken? More Like Christopher Flyin
Izzy Hops
- What was worse for California, the wildfires or Adam Levine's shitty tattoo?
- Too Confident After the First Two Questions
- Bitch better have my Monet
Jack's American Pub
- "Kissing your dad on the lips isn't gay" - Tom Brady
- Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day
- Dwight Howard's loose glutes
- Does the pope shit on the woods
- Black Friday? More like blackout Tuesday
Loaded Slate
- The polar mother fing vortex
- Pick six Brett Favre dick pics
- If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
- Adam Levine’s nipples
- Daddy’s little mistakes
- Happy alentines day. I’m saving the v for later
- The Asians who escaped from the Robert Kraft day spa
- Daddy schlong legs
- Love is patient, love is kind, love will blow you in the Oval Office
- Don't Complain about not having a Valentine on Valentine's day, some people don't have a groundhog on groundhogs day.
- The Jussie Smollett Performance Art Collective
- You Can Keep Your Essential Oils, but Please Vaccinate Your F***ing Kids
- Nothing sucks like a Hoover
- Fyre Team
- It’s so cold outside, my nipples could key a car
Milwaukee Ale House
- Nancy Pelosisis fuck you clap
- It was only the second date so she refused to winkle my picker
- Jeff bezos pecker problem
- Professor plum, with the candlestick, in the butt
- Condoms and rattlesnakes: two things we don’t fuck with
- The only national emergency is *my* southern border
- One wall, that’s all
- Tide pods for summer bods
- More like Christopher flyin, am I right?
Milwaukee Brat House, downtown
- Slim Eats 7 Meals a Day, and By Meals, I Mean Ass
Milwaukee Brat House, Shorewood
- A little boy, fat man, and baby walk into a bar
- Snow blower, I barely know her
- We weren’t the wieners but we weren’t the Wurst
- Jeffrey dahmers house of ribs
- College educated, but dumb
- Vincent Van Gogh fuck yourself
- Something rude, crude, or lewd
- Foxtrot uniform Charlie kilo
- I snowplowed your mom last night
- Bob krafts deflated balls
- Suck my spotted dick
- Dumbass! Party of one!
New Berlin Ale House
- Have no fear the alcoholics are here
- Eat my wienerschitzel
- El Chapo not so macho
- I'd rather be sleeping
- French guys know Monet v. Monet
- Ma! The meatloaf! 15th
- I thought spotted dick was a venereal disease
- Clever team name 6th
- Why must only one hour be happy?
- Jussie Smollet, the first American to scam Nigerians
Raised Grain Brewing
- The Royal Mounting of Nas’s Child Support
Rally Time, West Bend
- Fish Taco In My Pocket
- Kill The Malaysian Prime Minister
Red Lion Pub
- North by Northwest; not the first time someone's climaxed on a presidents face.
- Nancy Pelosi gave Trump the Clap 2nd: The Bartenders Said if you read this out loud our Pitchers are Free
- S'mores shots? I haven't even had one
- Quiz in my Pants
- Rumple Foreskin
Second Salem Brewing
- Here for a good time not a Valentine
- Lost my date found a beer
- Cupid’s Contraceptives, Inc
- We are two exhausted parents who managed to get a babysitter tonight. We want to get drunk, win a prize, and Uber home…for the love of God
- Smollet’s Master Bating
- Johnny Unitas Scored on Your Mom
- Fyre Fest 2
- Why do I live here
- Ferris Meuller's Day Off
- Ignorant sluts
- I drink and I know things
- Found out the name of the girl on the tenth floor
The Tosa Tavern
- Sharts and Jarts
- There's nothing better than Terry Bradshaw in a pair of heels
- You brought your baby to a grocery store?
- Even Nancy Pelosi wouldn't clap for us
- The Stupid Cupids
- I am Sofa King, We Todd Edd
- Michael Jackson banged grimace on Skull Island
Three Lions Pub
- Shatner? I barely knew her!
- Not 1st, but how about Best Team Name?
- Who cares what the plural of Prius is? No one has more than one.
Urban Beets, Downtown
- Sake it to me
- Infowars is real!
- Everyday We’re Brusselin’
- Free Melania
- “And in First Place with 250 Points!”
- Aaron Burr Did Nothing Wrong
Urban Beets, Tosa
- This Beets Workin'
- O'Trivia Newton John
- Michael Cohen-Oscopy
- Better Late Than Pregnant
- Bitch Belize
Whole Foods, West Loop
- A Pelosi Clap to All My Haters
- Tandem Bike Wedgie
- We Cheated and Looked Names Up Online
- R Kelly’s McDonald’s Fund
Whole Foods, Streeterville