Merry Quizmas Trivia
- Three Wise (Wo)Men
- Die Hard is Not a Christmas Movie
- Sleiiigh Whaat?
- The Resting Grinch Faces
- Schweddy Ball Sack
- Resting Grinch Face
- Passion of the Christ: The sequel to Christmas
- Festivus for the Rest of Us
- 5 golden beers, 4 millenials, 3 generation x’ers, 2 buck balls and a Boomer in a pear tree
- Jingle your balls in my mouth
- Its the most wonderful time for a beer
- The Bah Humbugs
- Deck Their Balls
Bad Moon Saloon
- You gotta be Schlitz-ing me!
- Ship my pants
- the bushiest beavers
- Uranus is always the answer!
- We drink and know things sometimes
Brass Monkey, West Allis
- We've got a wind advisory tonight, because Quizmaster Katelin's out here blowing everything!
- Does Brett Favre's dick pick count in his record?
- Choad in the hole
Caffrey's Pub
- Big Brains, Bigger Butts, Biggest Hearts
- The feminine urge to suck at trivia
Camp Bar, Shorewood
- Ain’t No Challah Bread Girl
- The Hung Armored Mammals
- Mazel Tov, Holiday Armadillo!
- Santa's Crusty Stocking
- Jackson Pollock, Good to the Last Drop
- Don't You Know How to be Quiet, Phlegm-Wads?
- AC/DC Says WE Have the Biggests Balls of them All
- Why is it so Goddamn Busy in Here?
Camp Bar, Third Ward
- 1 Two tooters
- 2 Jingle Balls
- 2 in the Pink 1 in the stink #shockers
Camp Bar, Tosa
- My Midwest accent made her tibia quiver
- What’s Van Gogh's favorite Christmas Carole? Do you hear what I hear
- Santa’s little sluts
- Who under the age of 30 knows the lyrics to American Pie
Deer Camp MKE
- Titty Titty Bang Bang
- Why was this trivia go so fast?
- 3 butts and some nuts
- Vagina jokes aren’t funny… period.
- Oh no! Our trivia name! It’s broken!
- Santa and his Ho Ho Ho’s
Fox River House
- I Thought This Was Speed Dating
- Rat is Short for Ratthew
- Wet Bandits
- Here For Beer
- That Little Dangly Thing That Swings in the Back of My Throat
- Covid Toe
- this trivia made me shit bricks....sorry shit racks!
- came to poop
Izzy Hops
- Tummy Tuck? More like you’re fucked when we play trivia!
- Does she have a dick?
J&B's Blue Ribbon
- Next week’s trivia is free
- Accidental Erections
- We quizzed our pants
Jack's American Pub
- The Strokes for Different Folks
- Son of a Nutcracker
- Slytherin to my Chamber of Secrets
- Drink Pineapple Juice Because OJ Might Kill you
- Four Guys in a Hot Tub, Five Feet Away cuz They're Not Gay
Magoo's On the Mound
- Save a whore, wrap your cowboy
- Curry can hit my 3 anytime
- Riverwest Einsteins
- She likes to tickle my sack butt
- Mary Poppin' That Booty
- Save a Horse, Ride the Midnight Train to Zipperville
- Trivia Thots
- Finally I can tell my mom I’m a Winner!
Milwaukee Ale House
- National Treasure is Our History Channel
- Drugs, Chugs, Jugs, and Thugs
- Work's Gonna Suck Tomorrow
- Getting that Nancy Reagan Cranium
- Maldives Nuts
- Putin our money where our mouth is
- Omicron-genous Zone
- Epstein Didn't Kill Himself
- Heavy Fetish, Air Fetish, Foot Fetish
Milwaukee Brat House, downtown
- Rattlesnakes and condoms, two things we don't fuck with
- Dr. Jizzmaster Ross
Milwaukee Brat House, Shorewood
- A Spoonful of cyanide would make Mary poppins go down
- Is Willys wanker photoshopped?
- This microphone smells like penis
- I’m having brat farts tonight
- The deaf dumb and blind kids
- If trinity is a college I have a phd
- The Aaron Rodgers immunization
- He sees you when you’re masturbating and he knows when you’re masturbating
- Your mom's queueing outside my bedroom
- I’m still having brat farts tonight
- I’ve got a hungry caterpillar in my pants
- I suck ass at bar dice
- Extremely fun armpit hair
Milwaukee Brewing Co.
- Cristiano Ronaldo's smooth & meaty texture
- I thought the ring of fire was on Uranus!
- Pablo's Birthday Strippers
- The Resting Grinch Faces
- My Drinking Team has a Trivia Problem
- All I Want for Christmas is Mello Yello
- Everything is Bing Crosby
- I only Have Burl Ives for You
- Mike Tyson's Chrithmath Party
- Michael Jackson Loves the Backstreet Boys, Hold the Backstreet
- Trivia Newton Johns
Nutty Squirrel
- The Omnicron Virus is just a marketing plot between Pfizer, Hasbro & Hollywood to promote the next Transformer movie
- Perry’s Platypussys
- Sgt. Poopers Lonely Farts Club Band
- Squirrel Nutz Roasting on an Open Fire
- Gonna Find Out Who’s Nutty or Nice
- R.I.P. Quizmaster in River Falls
- No Eye Deer
- 8 Peaginas & a Peacock
- Up is a sad movie
- I like smiling, it’s my favorite
- Cocker, I hardly know her
- We didn’t invest in GameStop :(
- Vaxxed not waxxed
Pete's Pub
- Honey I Drunk the Quiz
- Nancy Reagan gives good cranium
- Bravo Oscar Oscar Bravo Sierra
- The Magical Sausage Inserters
Raised Grain Brewing
- The Egyptian Sphinx’ Sphincters
- Honey, it’s been more than 4 hours, we should probably call a doctor
- Doing it Doggie Style on an IKEA Bed
- Clothed Fivesome
- When I think of you I touch my elf
- 2021: The sequel no one asked for
Rally Time, West Bend
- She's Cute, She's Fun, She Swallows
- Good To The Last Drop It Like It's Hot.
- How Many 🌎 Fit In Uranus
- MY Trivia Partner Doesn't Know This Is A Date
- What's the difference between snowmen and snow women....snow balls
- Hoping For A. Secret Whopper When I Get Home.
- Uranus Is Not Always The Answer
- Your Mom and I Made Wookie Last Night
Red Lion Pub
- The rumpy pumpy boys
- Purple penis eaters
- Urban Meyer's school for success
- 13 on 1 sounds like fun
- A toilet just for farts
Red Star Bar (Whole Foods)
- In Dog Beers, I’ve Only Had One
- You're a Quizzard Harry
- I'm Just Here For the Bezos Bucks
- Smarter Then Are Score
- Quizzed in the Face
- Omicron Weasley
- Omicron? When the hell is Omega? Please God!!!
- Full Mooners
- Team to be Named Later
- A$AP Jamba
- Quizzin my pants
- Check out the monogon in my pants
- Jimmy Eat World
- Tears for Beers
- My spelling blows harder than the wind tonight
- Jimmy is Uniform Golf Lima Yankee
- Peloton LLC
- Load in the Hole
State Line Distillery
- The Man and El Diablo
- Once Upon a Lime in Mexico Name
- Gin-gle and Tonic
- April Hates Trivia’s team
- Hatch’s hotties
- New year, same distillery
- Nerd Immunity
Station 1 Brewing
- Bobby Portis, more like Bobby Tortoise
- I. V. Leaguers
- Two Wisconsinites, One Cup
- The Only Reason I Remember Gold is “AU” is because Au Graten Potatoes are cheesy and cheese is gold.
- Guys Bein' Dudes Crushin' Brews
- Snow It Alls
Third Space Brewing
- Your Mom’s Gynecologists
- Just the Tips for Christmas
UpDown MKE
- Rattlesnakes and Condoms: Two things we don’t fuck with
- Mister Sister Fistsers
- Barbara Bush a la mode
- Unsolicited Quiz Pics
- The Grandma who Ran Over Rudolph
- Lance Armstrong’s Lonely Nut
- Not so Sticky Discharge
- We Dropped our Pen off the Balcony
- Kevin’s Famous Chili
Wisconsin Brewing Co.
- Quaranteam 2nd
- Everything’s Smaller in Rhode Island
- 2 Blondies and Some Seltzers
- Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful
- This One’s For John Madden
- Upsetti Spaghetti