Contact Us

Do you have a question for Quizmaster? Would you like to suggest a question or topic for your Quizmaster pub quiz? Email us below, or if these contact forms just annoy you, send your thoughts to, and he'll be sure to get back to you ASAP!

Private events:
If you'd like to hire a Quizmaster for a unique and fun event, whether it be a team-building exercise for the office or a special occasion, contact us below to set up an appointment. To find out more about private events, including companies we've worked with in the past, please take a look at our events overview.

If you have a friend or family member that owns or runs an establishment refer them to us and we'll happily give you $50. Put us in touch with the venue by contacting us below with the name of the establishment, your contact there (i.e. owner or manager), their contact info and any other information you feel is relevant! Please note that this offer only stands if a bar hires Quizmaster for at least a one month period or a minimum of four quiz shows.

Become a Quizmaster:
And if you've always thought "that's a pretty cool job" and would like to join Quizmaster's entourage, then click here to apply to become a trivia host.

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