- Not Even Swedish People Like Ace of Base
- Isn't Monica Lewinsky the lead singer of Goblin Cock
- He-Man: Proving that UGGs have been uncool since the beginning of time
- Paterno's Illegal Touching <- "like"
- Don't drop the SOPA
- Too Legit to Quit Drinking
- The Packers defense went down faster than an Italian cruise ship
- The Quizmaster is thicker and quicker than a perfect pint of Guinness
- If you think a Guinness is a good representation of good head, don't go to Ireland
- Touched by an uncle
- The deadliest snatch
Cafe Hollander
- I’m Going To Run Out And Buy Goblin Cock, If That’s A Real Album
- They Say You Are What You Eat, But I Don’t Recall Eating Sexy Beast
- Why Does Canada Suck?
- Is Your Dad In Prison? Because If I Was Your Dad, I Would Be.
- The Music Round Makes Me Want To Punch Myself In The Gut
- I Thought That It Would Be Better Without The British Accent
- We scored more points tonight than the Bucks
- Congratulations Jay-Z on your 100th problem
- The only thing worse than the Packers loss is the way I pronounce "Leisure"
- Whats long and hard & in my pocket... a knife, GET IN THE VAN!
- I call my DICK cheney because it shoots people in the face.
Caffrey's Pub
- Our Team Has 99 Problems And Two Of Them Are Bitches.
- I'm From Cleethorpes, I'm Basically A Scot.
- Pete Calls His Weiner The Lionheart.
- Braveheart Happened Get Over It.
- Terri Schiavo's Nutritionist
- The Music Clip Round Is Like Pete Marshall, It Finishes Way Too Quickly And Leaves All The Women Disappointed.
- 1992 Was 20 Fucking Years Ago...
- I Have A Dream That One Day I'll Be Able To Understand Pete.
- Discount Double Choke.
Whiskey Bar
- Brooke puts the "ho" in Hogan
- Pianist. Penis. Doesn't Matter, Either way your stroking
- But you ain't got no legs Lt Dan
- If More People At More McLeans Theyd Get More McLovin
- The Very Private and Very Pleasurable Quizmasturbation
- How Do You Say "That Sinking Feeling" In Italian?
- The More You Play With It The Bluer It Gets
- The LSU Team Bus Couldn't Get Out Of The Parking Lot This Morning, Someone Painted A 50yd Line In Front Of It...
- I Don't Like Cocaine But I Enjoy The Smell Of It
- Lebron James' Fiance now has one more ring than him...
Replay Sports Bar
- The 3rd Rule of Fight Club: Try your best & have fun!
- Tongue Punching The Fart Box
- The Quizmaster would be put to death in Iran
- Only two men have slept with 20,000 women ... Wilt Chamberlain, and the Quizmaster.
- The Queen was banned from Sam Wickens bedroom... until last night.
- Uncles with benefits
- In Honor Of The Passing Of Joe Pa, Penn State Is Encouraging All Youngsters To Wear Their Pants At Half Mast
- Maybe Kelly Clarkson Should Switch From BigMacs To McLeans
- 2% Of Americans Believe Mitt Romney's First Name Is Mittens: We Are The 2%!
- Hey You With The Cell Phone, Stop Shazaming The Music Question!
- Who Abandoned Faster, Packer Fans At Lambeu Or The Italian Cruise Ship Captain?
- Eli, You May Be A Big Giant On The Field, But You're A Little Giant Everywhere Else
- Surprise!!! Butt Sex!
- New Years comes once a year and so do I!
Upper 90 Sports Pub
- Argentina may be bigger but Chile's longer
- Don't drop the SOPA or the PIPA!!
- Ryan Dunn's Porsche Repair and BBQ
Fanatics Sports Central
- Newt Gingrich would like Lady Gaga to play his skin flute
- Achilles real heel is his closeted sexuality
- Will You SOPA My PIPA?
- Our Score Is Going To Blow Like Hiroshima
Milwaukee Brat House
- Lady Gaga - The Piano, drums, guitar and the dick
- Newt Gingrich: Working on his 4th wife since 2007
- Gather round the good stuff... in my pants!
- MILFs in training, "gather round the good stuff"
- Jerry Sandusky Wrestling Team Towelboys
- The Hipster Burned His Mouth Because He Ate The Pizza Before It Was Cool.
Jim's Place
- 40oz of Freedom
- What time do the Packers play on Sunday?
- SOPAthetic
- Fat kids are harder to kidnap
- Sopa? Why is everyone talking about Mexican soup?
- Just don't Google Santorum
- Free Van Candy
- Does this smell like chloroform?
Jim's Place
- Don't Let an Italian Drive Your Boat
- Tell Congress to drop the SOPA so they know how it feels
Attebury's Pub and Eatery
- The Team Formally Known As Prince.
- Santorum?! Barely Know Him.
- Nic Cage's Hairline.
- Better Late Than Pregnant.
- Be sure to google "Blue Ivy" not "Blue Waffle"
- 1 Plus 1 Equals 3... When The Condom Breaks.
- I Never Thought I'd Miss A British Man, Especially At Night.
- Someone Dipped Their Chocolate In My Santorum.
Black Rose Irish Pub
- I jizzed on your girls face, check her cumplexion.
- I love when girls wear leggings to a bar, usually you have to get a few drinks in then before you can see their moose knuckles.
- Jodie Foster's Fear Boner
- Baby Seal's Club!!
- The morning woods
- Flatter than your sister
- poop-stained-grape-bags.edu
- Orange Bowl... More like... Fuck this game!
Spitfire Pub
- Creem puffs
- Rattlesnakes and condoms: Two things I don't fuck with
Grafton Ale House
- So easy even a Quizmaster can do it
- The told me to just write down anything and turn it in
- Why do people say "grow some balls?" Because balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna get tough grow a vagina! Those things take a pounding!
- Victoria Beckham is such a slut we were going to go with "Yellow Cab Company" Beckham
- I call my Dick Cheney b/c it shoots people in the face
- Is it strange that my doctor had both hands on my shoulders during my last prostate exam???....
- Brokeback Mountain, The Story Of Rick Santorum
- When you pull my Christmas cracker, stuff comes out too...
- One of the Olsen twins should just O.D. already so we can stop guessing which one
The Highbury
- What's the difference between Jam and Jelly? I can't Jelly my dick in your ass!!!
- Without Joe Paterno, Jerry Sandusky will be like an Italian ship captain looking for new recruits
- I only watch the playoffs. Who are the Vikings?
Daddy's Rockin' Steakhouse
- The drunk & the restless
- If you think Columbus is bad, you should try Toledo
Three Lions Pub
- Condoms and Rattle Snakes, and Tink...Things I Don't Fuck With
- My Granny Doesn't Fight, Bit You Should See Her Box
- Let me Get This Straight : Joe Paterno Coughed up a Lung in The Shower and No one Reported it?!
- Discount Double Choke
- Italy can now be known for fine women, fine wine, and shit Sailors
- In China Too Young is Just a Name
- Unlike The Italian Cruise ShipCaptain, We go Down on Things we Screw
- On A Scale of Casey Anthony to Jerry Sandusky, How Much Do You Like Kids?
- What's The Difference Between Tebowing & Teabagging
- I Thought it Was the Brit that Burned Down, Because this Place is on Fire
Duke of Devon Pub
- I told my girlfriend it was "Tebow Time" so she would finally get on her knees
- Turtles breath through their anuses
- Anyone want to go on an Italian Cruise?
- Big Test Icicles
- Eat Fresh... Summer's Eve
- Andy Dick Tracy Morgan Freeman