Red Rock Saloon
- Anthony Weiner was going to retire from sexting but decided to stick it out for one more year
- 90 Obama's healthcare bill is going down faster than a Titanic full of Ryan Braun supporters
- Carlos Danger's photo album
- Now that Ryan Braun has admitted to using steroids the question remains: who has bigger balls, Braun or William and Kate's son?
- Which has more old white balls... a 1920's tennis tournament or a tea party rally
- Who needs porn when toddlers and tiaras is on
- What's the only thing more deadly than Aaron Hernandez? Sharknado
- Show me on the doll where he touched you
- Somebody had to finish last
- Andy Murray's Wimbledon win breaks the British tradition of losing that started with the American Revolution! Hurray!
Cafe Hollander
- Too Much Or Not Enough, Either Way, Alcohol Is The Problem
- Colectivo Is A Shitty Name
- Early Orgasms . . . The Rest Of Our Team Is Coming Later
- Thank God Quizmaster Trivia Doesn't Do Drug Testing
- What Do You Call A Cross Between A Penis And A Potato? A Dictator!
- Besties WIth Testites
- Fuck Soccer Questions
- Our Score is a Steroid Free Performance!
- Winter Is Coming
- Q: What Did Cinderella Say When She Got To The Ball? A: AAAGGGGGAAGG!!OMG!
- Here Comes The Sharknado
- I Would Have Gotten Away With It, If It Wasn’t For These Meddling Kids And Their Dog Too!
- North West . . . Terrible Team Name And Worse Baby Name
- Ask They Healthy, Disease Free, And Successful Gentleman At The End Of The Bar
- 69 Hot Dogs In Ten Minutes? I Smell A Team Name . . . Grown Ups 2
- It Takes 69 Hot Dogs To Make A Respectable Hot Carl
- As Soon As This Is Over, We'll By Selling Lakefront Brewery Tour Tickets In The Bathroom For One Dollar
- Sorry I Can't Come To Trivia, I Smell Like Roasted Crotch
- Mer Men, Mer Problems
- After A Few Weeks In The Slammer, Hernandez Will Not Be A Tight End Any Longer
Caffrey's Pub
- Money Shots...We Do Mean it That Way
- #freehernandez
- The Bill Buckner's Fan Club
- Clitty Clitty Gang Bang
- Something gross about 69in hotdog
- Purple headed yogurt slingers
- 3 guys 2 dicks
- Pacific rimjob
- Joey chestnuts on your face
Camp Bar
- Throbbing Richards
- 4 Dicks and a Chick
- In the lead with 5000 points
- Betcha thought we'd have a name about the Royal Baby
- 19th Amendment.... worst mistake this country ever made
- Don't shower with a pokemon, they might peek-at-chu.
- "The Stigs" American Cousins
- Squirrels Gone Wild
- My friend just got married! All I got was the bouquet!
Two Bucks
- Herb Kohl, The Real Dairy Queen
- Jefferey Dahmer's House of Ribs
- Braun's 8 Simple Rules: Deny, Deny, Deny, Deny, Deny, Deny, Deny, Deny
- Brains over Braun
- Between Osama bin Laden and Anne Frank. How good is my hiding spot?
- Cockblockparty
- The Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters
- I Wish This Microphone Was a Penis
- We Won Last Week...Oops
- The Price Is Wrong Bitch
- Everyone In This Room Is Now Dumber For Having Played This Quiz
- Strawberry Wasted
- I Like My Women Like My Books, Bound in Leather
- Date Rape Still Counts
Whiskey Bar
- Why was Hellen Keller A Terrible Driver? She was a woman!
- Not Even Krypton Can Stop Anthony Weiner
- My girlfriend called me a pedophile and I told her that was a pretty big word for a 5 year old
- Imma let you finish, but Kim had the best delivery of all time
- More alone than the guy googling "Carlos Danger's girlfriend."
- I am worried that by declaring bankruptcy, Detroit might transform into some kind of hellish, depopulated wasteland.
- Unfortunetly for Kate Middleton lovers, the royal baby's first crowning wasn't televised
- On a Scale of Casey Anthony to Jerry Sandusky, How Much Do You Like Little Kids?
- Looks Like It's That Time of The Month - Sharknado
- If A Plane Crashed Every Time I Came (in) Slow, Nobody Would Fly Into San Francisco. Too Soon?
- So Does That Make Kim Kardashian's Vagina the Northwest Passage?
- The Difference Between Hungry and Horny Is Where You Put The Cucumber
- Subway Is Like Prostitution. You're Paying Someone Else To Do Your Wife's Job
- I Like My Women Like I Like My Scotch, 18 Years Or Older
- I Think Those Fuckers In The Back Are Cheating
- Alex Trebek's Love Children
- The Royal Baby can kiss my American, freedom loving ass, we're team USA, and we're going all the way
- For 2 points: Would you rather sit on a dick & eat a cake or sit on a cake and eat a dick?
- The Royal Baby weighed in at 8 pounds, what is that in dollars?
- I'm Ron Burgandy?
- Turdburglars For The Win!!!
- What Would It Take For A Beatles Reunion? 2 More Bullet
- Team Fact Hunt
- No Means No, Yes Means Anal!!!
- Quizmaster John? More Like Quizmaster Bates!
- 2 Dudes, 1 Tube, NO LUBE!
- I Feel Like I'm Watching A Porno When I'm Watching Tennis, A Lot Of Balls Going Back And Forth
- My Last Girlfriend Said I Was A Pedophile . . . Pretty Big Word For A 12 Year Old!
- Team America . . . FUCK YEAH!
Fox River House
- The Royal Baby's Name is Carlos Danger
- Ryan Braun apologizes for fathering Baby Cambridge
- Jehovah’s Witness Protection Program
- Heroin Makes Me ‘Glee’ful
- Just ugly enough to win (Wimbledon)
- Everyone turn this way and blow as hard as you can
- The $30 will be used towards Aaron Hernandez’s bail, barring he doesn’t murderous
The Hotch Spot
- Stop the bus and let my Friend Jack Off
- Richard Nixons Hips Dont Lie
- Red Headed British Men Are Hot
- I Call My Dick Cheney Because it Shoots People in the Face
- Not Gonna Lie, I'm Pretty Drunk
- Team Treat it, Don't Beat it
- I Love The Eastsider Said No One Ever - Especially the Bathrooms
- 4 boobs and 10 balls
- The Wet Dream Catchers
- Fuck it we Suck
- Rectum... Damn near killed 'em
- 4 Racks and a Sac
Aviator Sports Bar
- Dumb and Dumber
- That 70's Team
Titletown Brewing Co.
- They found Jimmy Hoffa…in my pants
- No mean yes, yes means anal
- Aaron Hernandez, no longer a "tight end"
- How long is your Javelin?
New Berlin Ale House
- I Don't Always Play Trivia, But When I Do I Have A Shitty Team Name
- Today's Special At Ryan Braun's Restaurant Is Crow
- Better late than pregnant
- Ma! The Meatloaf!!! Fuck!!
- We Know How You Kids Like Them Sloppy!
- Chocolate Wasted
- I Wipe My Own Ass
- We're Here for Free Beer!
- Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase, Haunka Matata ain't no passing craze. It means go fuck yourself.
- You can't motorboat personality
- All Brains, No Braun
- Hi Kevin, PBR Light Me!
- I might be drunk, but I'd still bang Alicia Keys with a beard!
- The only thing worse than our score is our team name
- Monster Cereal: Wheaties w/ OJ Simpson on the cover
Milwaukee Brat House
- Florida's stadium should be called "the prison"
- What did the French ever triumph over?
- America: back to back World War champs
- A schmuck, a canuck and an ugly fuck
- Anthony Weiner's Photo Club
- Terri Schiavo: live and unplugged
- Is it just me or does Prince George look like the Quizmaster
- It's nice to see a member of the Royal family emerge from a dark tunnel alive for a change
- If waterboarding was an Olympic sport USA would always win gold
- Coitus Interuptus featuring Smegma Riot with special guest Karmic Thrust
- Sharknado is stirring.... in my pants
- George Zimmerman has 99 problems but Trayvon aint one
- Tara Reid's first boob job looks like she got attacked by a Sharknado
- Austin? As in Austin Massachusetts....
- Ryan Braun's Urine Sample
- Budweiser is latin for "suck a bag of dicks"
- Stars and Schlitz forever
- The sun never set on the the British Empire.... until July 4th, 1776
- Prom Night Dumpster Babies
Major Goolsby's
- Team Clay Aiken
- Jogging or Yogging... Apparently You Just Run
- By The Beard Of Zeus
Mulligans Irish Pub
- What was the last thing on Princess Diana's Brain before she died?
- Why do men pay more for car insurance? Women can't get road head.
- Tickle Monsters
- Aaron Hernandez: Patriot Minuteman ready to shoot in a minutes notice
- What does a necrophiliacs complaint about sex? They just lay there!
Black Rose Irish Pub
- Tim's Printing, Borderling, Self-Medicating and looking for hooters online, and I'm just sitting here masturbating.
- Damnit We Lost
- Again, I was Left to Come Up with a Team Name and I Failed
- Which is Cleaner? Ryan Braun's Urine Sample or Bradford Beach?
- Unlike Vietnam, We Dont Pull Out
- My friends Prefer Vagina's, But I Will prefer Penis
- I told you it was Jessica Simpson you Mother Fuckas
- This Shit is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S
- Any Takers to Suck An English Cock before I Leave on Friday
Fire on Water
- Mark Chumura's School For Teenage Girls
- Prince Brunswick von Poopy Pants
- That's Not My Bellybutton, But I Didn't Say Stop
- It's My Birthday Today - Literally
Grafton Ale House
- We're getting married Saturday then moving to the Twin Cities, so this is our last Quizmaster Quiz
- Everything is always better down under!
- I thought you mom's slogan was billions and billions served
- If only Gandalf was at Tianamen Square... "you shall not pass"
- Pocahontas... 99 billion John Smith's served
- The real housewives of the OC: Ozaukee County AKA Dream Team
- We crash and burned again like Asiana Captain Sum Ting Wong and co-pilot Wi Fli Tu Lo
- Does Whoopi Goldberg talk to Patrick Swayze now?!
- Ringo Stars in our eyes
The Highbury
- Can I call you gasoline? Cause even though you're expensive, I'd still pump you in my van.
- I wish this microphone was a hot, wet Colin Firth
- If I lived in Canada, I would overdose too
- Cheerapunji. Actually second wettest place on Earth after Kevin's Mom's vagina
- Democracy is great until your military says NO
- The Legend of Tea Bagger Vance
- PMS jokes aren't funny. Period.
- Bar Close Premiere League
- Bono, fuck off, boner
- Paula Dean and Arron Hernandez sitting in a tree, who gets racial slurred and murdered next
St. Francis Brewery
- Guess Who! Guess Who Didn't Get the Answer Right!
- It was Ryan Braun, in the Clinic, with the Testosterone.
- Detroit Motto: Lions, Tigers, and Bankruptcy - Oh My!
- Summer NBA or Royal Baby Watch, Which is More Boring?
- Trivia Domination or Bust! Ok, Bust it is!
The Eatery on Farwell
- The no thumb delivery makes power stroking challenging
- Casey Anthony has some Junk in her Trunk
- Watch Sharknado
- Finding a box of melted dildos: Priceless
- The NSA Knows My Answers
Vino 100
- Carlos Danger and the Weiners
- Pinot Evil
- Who Invented The Mexican?
- Porcupine Is My Favorite Position