Brass Monkey
- Shitty Shitty Bang Bang
- Adrian Beaturson
- "Rape Me" is my Safe Word
Cafe Centraal
- I Shaved My Balls For This?
- Oscar Pistorius: Shoe Don’t Fit You Must Acquit…
- Centraal Intelligence
- Talk Nerdy To Me Quizmaster
Cafe Hollander
- Quiz-lamic State Of I Rock
- Ray Rice's Wife Threw The First Punch: # FreeRayRice
- Quiz On Her Face
- I Hate Thinking Of Names, If I Have Kids They Are Getting Numbers
- Samuel Hunt Had a Brother, Mike. He Was Dirty
- 99 Problems...And A Quiz Ain't One
Caffrey's Pub
- Adrian Peterson's Whipping Boyz
- Camouflage Condoms - They Never Saw Us Coming
- Save a tree, eat a beaver
- You're a quizzard, Harry
Camp Bar
- Leonardo DiCaprio Doesn't Have An Airport Named After Him
- When The Quizmistress Screams "Fuck Me" I Say "Yes Please, Thank You"
- You Know I'm All About That Bass, Bout That Bass, No Salmon
- Jay Cutler's Little Ditka
- DVD's: Diseased Veiny Dicks
- We Had a Filthy Team Name Picked Out, But Our Boss Showed Up at the Bar
- Adrian Peterson: Out on a Limb
- Fuck Ray Rice
- Home Alone? Squirt Some!
Club Garibaldi
- Rodger Goodell's Ethic's Committee
- Janay Rice Takes The Stairs: Take 2
- What Do You Call Cows That Are Best Friends? Brovines
Fixture Brewing Company
- Pro: I Showed Up For Trivia. Con: Now You Have Ebola
- Beauty And My Beast
- We're Safe From Ebola In Wisconsin, The Bear and Vikings Can't Catch Anything
- Scotland May Have Said No, but Your Mom Sure Didn't
- Sweatpants Boner
- Just Like These Aborted Fetuses, We Weren't Born Yesterday
- We're Gonna Beat You Like An NFL Player
- Hit Me RayRay One More Time
- I'm Not A Gynecologist, But I'll Take A Look
- I Hope The Cannibal Who Ate His Girlfriend Started With The Lips (It Means Vagina)
Fox River House
- We're not Wisconsinites... please don't deport us
- The coalition for casual public nudity
- My couch pulls out, but I don't
- Sexy ISIS
- Ray Rice's Boxing Coach
- Ray Rice's Left Hook
- You Had ONE job, Nate
- Drakes on a plane
- The way you ask those questions makes me want to quiz all over
The Highbury Pub
- If Adrian Peterson beats another kid, he gets a free sub
- You can take the scotch eggs from our kilts, but you'll never take our FREEDOM
- Fo' Shizzle My Quizzle
- Will You Go With me To Homecoming? So I'm Not At Home Cumming
- No Matter How Hard they Try, They Cant Beat Ray Rice
Miller Time Pub
- Jean Claude Van Daaaay-um Girl!
- We Don't need no stinking picture sheet!
Milwaukee Beer Bistro
- Adrian Beat-her-son
- "I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face, and a big butt, and my butt smells, and I like to kiss my own butt"
- Febreeze Brothers, Because it's so fresh in here
Milwaukee Brat House
- Name the three branches of my dick
- I think we lost
- Don't get trapped in Oscar Pistorious's water closet
- I hear ISIS gives good head
Mulligans Irish Pub
- Our Team is Mad At Us
- Who needs sex when you have beer
New Berlin Ale House
- NFL Switches and Bitches
- One Ball That's All
- Fallopian Swim Club
- We're having a Yabba-Dabba-Doo Time!
- Adrian "Beats His Son"
- Ray Rice: A Love Story
- Beats by Ray (Rice)
- Two girls one blumpkin
Red Rock Saloon
- Squirt her with your Frankenfurter
- The only thing more beatable than our score is Ray Rice's Fiance
- Gynecological Enthusiasts
- When is a Door Not a Door? When it's Ajar
- Milfwaukee Screwers
Riverwest Filling Station
- Maybe we should have gone bowling...
- Would a Wu-Tang Clan sweater get me suspended?
St. Francis Brewery
- Batman Movies and the Royal Family Suck
- Tom Cruise is the Ultimate Fudge Packer
Titletown Brewing Co.
- Illicit Downloaded Photos of Obama's Tan Suit
- Cloudi with a change of meat boobs
- The Homeless Guardians of Miley Cyrus's Galaxy
Two Bucks
- "Beat It" Michael Jackson ft. Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson
- In the words of William Wallace "FREEDOM...unless it's too complicated"
- Switch It Up Adrian Peterson Children, the only one the Vikings beat
- Beatz by Ray
- Something about Nazis...always kills
- Mike Hunt Presents Grandma's World Famous Pube Salad
- Good thing I bought those shares in Elevator Surveillance Technology
Whiskey Bar
- Is It Wrong When You Are Locked Out Of Your Car and Go To Planned Parenthood And Ask For A Coat Hangar?
- Adrian Beat-Your Son