First up, find a full portfolio of photos (provided by the awesome folks at Snapifeye) at this Facebook link.
And there was only one place to be on October 5th if you were a single guy, because it was 80 percent ladies (GNO OMG!!!) at this trivia shindig, as some our photos from the night prove….
And one team even came armed with their own colorful umbrellas…
It's a shame they were missing three Friends though :(
After a plethora or Friends topics were asked, the team name rolled in. In the end seven teams went with Princess Consuela Bananahammock or a variation of that awesome Phoebe Buffay alias.
But in the end, their was one team that was destined to win it all as The One with the Winning Team took home glory as the best Friends know-it-alls in the Brew City with a perfect score of 74 from 74 points….
Congrats to them! Smart arses!!
Watch this space for more upcoming quiz events including A Major Music Quiz on October 19th, and "No Quiz For You! A Pointless Seinfeld Quiz" on November 2nd.
Until next time Milwaukee, drink while you think...
Sunday October 5th, 2014 scores:
- 74 The One with the Winning Team
- 72 The One with the Best Team Name
- 72 "Hello Who's! We need more alcohol and you know what, we need more beer!"
- 72 Central Perky Tits
- 72 Princess Consuela Bananahammock
- 71 Trivia-onies
- 70 Big Fat Goalies
- 69 My sister's gonna have a baby!
- 69 Could you BE any more trivial?
- 68 They don't know that we know they know we know!
- 67 We bet our apartment on this!
- 67 The one where we kicked ass at trivia
- 67 Big Fat Goalie
- 67 Ms. Chanandler Bong
- 66 It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy and it IS a big deal!
- 66 The Bam-booze-lers
- 66 Hey Milwaukee! How you doin?
- 66 Viva Las Gay-Gas
- 65 Do you even know what a bananahammock is?
- 64 Team Bamboozled
- 64 The one where three hot chicks win
- 63 Moose
- 63 Ode to pubic hair
- 63 Could I BE wearing any more clothes
- 63 The Joey Special
- 62 Miss Chanandler Bongs
- 62 Spud-nik and the Holiday Armadillos
- 61 The one with the best team name
- 61 Viva Las Gaygas
- 60 Princess Consuela Bananahammock
- 60 The Holiday Armadildos
- 59 We were on a break!
- 59 Princess Consuela Bananahammock
- 59 The one where we win trivia
- 59 Frankie Says Relax
- 58 Seven, Seven Seven!!!
- 57 I found my identical hand twin in the bathroom
- 57 Princess Consuela and the Bananahammock
- 55 Joey doesn't share FOOD
- 55 Princess Consuela Bananahammock
- 54 The moistmakers
- 54 The Transponsters
- 54 Princess Consuela Bananahammock
- 54 The one with all the trivia
- 52 Chandler's third nipple: nubbin
- 50 Bracelet buddies
- 49 Princess Consuela Bananahammock
- 47 The more I drink, the less the kids can drink
- 42 The cast of Friends is our celebrity FREEBIE list
- 41 Crap Bag
- 39 You're cat to be kitten me right meow!
- 37 The one where Rachel is a crazy psycho bitch because they were on a break!!!