Best Team Names of the Month... October 2016!

 Harry Potter trivia night
- Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them
- DumbleSCORE
- Round of Butterbeer on Scabber's Tabbers
- Just Looking for a Witch to Whomp my Willow
- Slytherin into your DMs
- Harry and Ron's Awkward Sexual Tension
- Neville Gonna Give You Up
- Too Smart for Ravenclaw
- Hillary Clinton is our Patronus
- Harambe Potter and the Irresponsible Parents
- Slytherin, Slyther-Out
- Dobby's Dirty Sock
- That Snitch Cray
- Wingardium LeviFuckYou
- Voldy's patronus is a bad hombre
- Grab her by the Snitch
- Hell yeah, Luna Loves Good
- Making Myrtle Moan
- Trump: He who must not be elected
- Vote Voldemort 2016 and MAKE MAGIC GREAT AGAIN
- Voldemort/Umbridge 2016: Make Hogwarts Great Again
- Neville Gonna Give You Up, Neville Gonna Let You Down
- The Cubs are the Hufflepuff of Baseball
- 2 Double Shots of Felix Felicis
- Golden Snitches get Stitches
- I Feel Like I've Been Whomped by a Willow

The Office Trivia Night 
- Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro Am Fun Run Race for the Cure
- Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
- Schrute Farm Beets
- The People Person's Paper People
- Toby Killed Harambe
- That's what she said 
- Little Kid Lovers
- A little Stitious
- "You don't know me, you've just seen my penis" 
- Prison Mike and the Dementors
- English Office is better
- Buttlicker! Our prices have never been lower! 
- Scrantonicity 
- The Finer Things Club
- How to write a team Name by: James Trickington
- Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Awareness Program Fun Run Race for the Cure
- Dwight you Ignorant Slut!
- PBandJ
- Scott's Totts
- People persons paper people
- Scranton place stranglers

Lord of the Rings Trivia Night
- Boil Em' Mash Em' Stick Em in a Stew
- Strider? I barely even know her!
- Imagine if Gandalf had the Elder Wand
- Til the sweat drops down my Balrog
- Mellon: elvish for "tits"
- We Arwening
- Dildo Baggins

Bavarian Bierhaus
- Glasses make us smart

Boomers Sports Pub
- Billy Joel by: Kanye West
- I am Sex-teen going on Seventeen
- Aaron Rodgers' Mojo

Brass Monkey, West Allis
- Swipe Right on Katelin's Tinder
- Isn't Making Pancakes the Same as Having Sex?
- We Cheated on this Quiz More than Bill Cheats on Hilary.
- Who Had Two Thumbs, Speaks Minimal Spanish, and Hasn't Cried Yet Today? This guy!!!
- Grabbing Life by the Pussy"
- Jeffrey Dahmer's Homemade Lampshade
- A pussy in the hand is worth two in the bush
- Billy Bush Made Me Do It!
- 44 magnum - will blow your head CLEAN off
- It's Ms. Clinton if you're nasty!
- Quizmaster Trumps the Debate!
- Blade: The Vagina Slayer!!! League
Cafe Hollander
- What does a clock do when it's hungry?... it goes back for seconds!
- The pussy grabbers
- Need an Ark, I Noah guy
- Let's party like it's 1984. Punch her in the Judy!
- I don't like cheese...because I'm a curdmudgeon
- We accept the results of this quiz...if we win
- Global warming is a myth created by the Chinese

Caffrey's Pub
- A man and his garden tools
- If Trump was a football player he'd be grabbin on Clinton-Dix
- Better late than pregnant
- Cubs Still Suck
- I had an ant farm and those fellas didn't grow shit
- Jeffrey Dahmer's Steak House
- "If we win best team name, I'll get a second date
- Hallowinners

- All Dogs Go To China
- Raging Balls on Wiener Night
- Trivial Pursuit of Happiness
- Nasty Women
- The Wind Beneath My Wang
Camp Bar, Milwaukee
- Bone/Weiner 2020, A Vision You Can Thrust
- The Ken Bone Zone

Camp Bar, Shorewood
- I Haven't Seen Something So Gory As Rambo: First Blood Since Mallory's Prom Night
- First Ray J Takes Her Dignity The Thieves Take Her 11 Mil
- My Shuttlecock is a Stone Cold Stunner
- Sex on Fire by Urethra Cracklin
- Twerk Til Your Sex Pistol is on Fire
- Welcome to the Ken Boneyard
- That One Time At Trivia Camp 
- If Donald Trump Becomes President, There Will Be Hell Toupee
- Member berries, member when Amazon only sold books?
- Mike Pence none the richer
- We won't acknowledge the results unless we win
- I'll see Halley's Comet before another Cubs World Series appearance
- Nasty women and bad hombres
- My butthole went platinum 10 million dicks and counting
- Balls Balls Balls Balls Balls
- Rattle Snakes and Condoms...Two Things I Don't Fuck With

Camp Bar, Tosa
- Ariana Makes My John Legend Very Grande
- What's Brown and Rhymes with Snoop? - Dr. Dre
- There's Norway We Have the Best Team Name
- We're Not Ashamed of What We'd Do for a Klondike Bar
- The Packers Suck Dak
- Punch and Judy, more like Trump and Hillary
- Grab 'Em by the Billy Bush
- Trick or Treat.. or... Anal?
- Still Better Numbers than Aaron Rodgers
- I am a Jizzmaster, not a Quizmaster
- The Only Question I Knew for Sure Was Brokeback Mountain
- If the Cubs Can Make the World Series, We Can Win Best Team Name
- Eddie "I Like My Lingerie" Lacy
- Every Time Jay Cutler Smiles, Donald Trump Releases His Tax Returns
- Why did the old bitch from Titanic throw the hart of the ocean in at the end?
- Make Gandalf Grey Again
- Jay Cutler is dressed up as a Quarterback for Halloween
- Why can't Harry Potter Trivia be every week?

Camp Bar, Third Ward
- Bump'N'Grind'N'Pee
- Is Mayonnaise a trivia team name?
- Ryan Lochte's Missing Wallet
- Put your Salt Lake in my City
- Caviar is eggs taken from YO MAMA!
- We lost the email that this quiz was on

Fat Jacks
- Banana hammocks
- He said she ain't got no nipples
- Trump's tiny hands
- Our trivia team has a drinking problem
- Your mom is hot-but she ain't got no nipples

The Fermentorium
- Why Were There 4 Seasons of the Jersey Shore?!
- We Came In Like A Wrecking Ball
- Trivia Newton John
- Beer is Food (@boehlkeJamie)
- Barry Manilow Ruined My Marriage 
- If I Only Had a Brain
- I Can Show You My Coconuts If I Want

Hogs and Kisses
- Does running out of alcohol count as exercise

- You wanna see a butthole?
- American Whore-Story
- I thought this was speed dating
- Grab them by the Pussy
- Dicks out for Harambe 

Houdini's Escape Gastropub
- I Have Maggots in my Scrotum
- I already won! I got free cheesecake and you didn't, so suck it

Jack's American Pub 
- Chris Pratt is a hungry hungry hoippo
- Kim K's "One night in Paris"
- In Dog beers we've only have 1
- Question Number 18 reminded us that Sarah Jessica Parker was in the GodFather
- Answer to #18 should be Sarah Jessica Parker
- Is this music making anyone else uncomfortable?
- When was the last time the Cubs won the world series again?
- Bigger Panty Dropper, Kenny Powers or Kenny Bone?
- KEN BONE 2016!!
- Ken Bone, Last American Hero
- Two Women, 1 pen
- I had sex with Madonna in the bathroom at the New York film festival
- Ha-Ha Clinton Dix: Interns
- Pugs, Not Drugs
- Will the real Colin Kaepernick please stand up?
- Netflix and Ken Bone
- More "hands on" than Trump
- Chicago Cubs fans since October 2016
- Hey Cubbies, 108 years and counting!
- 2 bad hombres and 3 nasty women

- Ken Bone: Kohls Sweater, Hot Stache
- Ken Bone asks all the right questions
- Is it too late to resurrect the Whig party?
- Two Beauties and Two Beasts
- San Diego, a Whale's Vagina
- The Trumpettes
- If We Lose, This is Rigged
- The only statue Michael Jackson erected was the statue of limitations

Milwaukee Ale House
- I Know Guac Is Extra Bitch
- How Will The Cubs Screw It Up This Year?
- I thought trivia started @7???
- Donald Trump Mango Unchained
- Trump My Clint
- Drilling Me Softly With His Schlong
- I wish this microphone was a penis
- Harambe 4 President
- American Psychos: Trump Pence 2016

Milwaukee Brat House
- Afternoon Delight with Ken Bone
- Bump & grind my ring of fire
- R. Kelly for President
- Jay Cutler Fan Club
- Harambe Died for our Sins
- We'd rather be watching the debate, said no quiz team ever
- Remember Cubs fans, the Bears still suck 

New Berlin Ale House
- Big Test Icicles
- Between The Cheeks
- Ivanka take a huuuuuge Trump
- "I don't care, put whatever you want"
- How to win trivia? Grab it by the Chinnnnnna!

- I Thought Roofies Were Part of the Beer Recipe
- Whipped Cream Bikini Might Get Prince Eric in Your Bedroom
- Ken Bone's Incognito Browser
- When Attacked by a Mob of Clowns, Go for the Juggler
- The Packers Suck Dak
- Gayest Joke You Ever Heard at a Bar? Can I Push Your Stool In?
- I was going to vacation in Finland, but I couldn't Fjord it!
- Phista? I hardly know her
Panga Bar and Grill
- Hipster's Paradise but I was into before it was coolio
- #ClownLivesMatter
- B.B.P -bad bitches of Panga
- Catsweater and company
- Sexual Harassment Pandas
- The Pussy Grabbin' Trump Train
- Witches Tits score

Red Rock Saloon
- Blood, Sweat and Beers
- 2 sexy single vet techs, we shih tzu not!
- Eskimo, Bros & hoes
- Grab the Quizmaster by the pussy
- Malaysia Airlines: wherever you go, no one will ever know!
- Puppet Handjob
- We'll only accept the results of this quiz if we win (we'll look at it at the time)
- Camouflage Condoms: she'll never see us coming
- Trick or Treat? They're both my dick

Second Salem Brewing Co.
- You're a Quizard Harry
- Last time I got ass was when my hand broke through the toilet paper
- 1912 Titanic Swim Team
- Got Trumped
- Quizard of Oz
- Quizzed in My Pants

St. Francis Brewery
- Jeffrey Dahmer's House of Ribs
- Hurri-Kaine Pence
- She Bangs, She Bangs #thebigbang #yourmom
- How Much Can't Could a White Girl Can't if a White Girl Literally Couldn't Even?
- What Happens When Donald Trump Takes Viagra? He Grows Taller! #hesadick
- Ken Bone's Down Home Mortgage Loanz
- Clown Hunting in Bay View? Check Our Table!
- Katy Perry is Actually a Flaming Hot Dildo
- Things That Go Trump in the Night
- Don't Move, I'll Get the Towel

Three Lions Pub
- Grab her by the pus..oh wait! I don't want to get yelled at again!

The Tosa Tavern
- The Trumpsters - Making Trivia Great Again
- Alfred Hitchcock-ring
- I'm David Blumpkins! Any Questions!
- If Trump and Hilary were stranded on a desert island, who wins? America!

Von Trier
- Comes in your mouth and not in your hand
- The day we get first place is the day Ross shows up early
- Tap Handle or Sex Toy - you be the judge
- Boo-Sama Boo-Laden
- I got a silent D for Djibouti
- Team Buzzkill: or how I realized Forrest Gump has AIDS at the end of the movie
- American Horror Story: 2016 Election

Whiskey Bar
- Cheney and Tracey out 4 Harambes
- Trivia...I hardly know ya!
- Red White and Undecided
- Take me home so we Ken Bone
- Trivia...I hardly know ya!!
- Jeffrey Dahmer's house of ribs
- Slaughterhouse  5, cows 0
- Corporate Zombie error I mean hillary for president 
- He took it right in the Djibouti


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