Star Wars Quiz
- Princess I wanna Leia
- Han shot first
- Myself, the boy, two droids, and no questions asked
- What's the temperature of a TanTan? Lukewarm!
- Looking for love in Alderaan places
- We're killing these questions like they are younglings
- Please touch my wookie
- Wookie Steak.. it's a little chewy
- Aunt Beru Tends My Moisture Farm
- Nabootylicious
- I Ewok the Line
The Office Quiz
- People Person's Paper Eater
- The Orange Team
- Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro Am Fun Run Race for the Cure
- I Ewok the Line
The Office Quiz
- People Person's Paper Eater
- The Orange Team
- Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro Am Fun Run Race for the Cure
- Scrantonicity 2
- Just a Little Stitiou
- Single Malt Michael Scotch
- Damn, we thought this was Arrested Development Trivia (this team only scored 9 points...)
- Ignorant Sluts
- Scott's Tots
- The Green Bay Todd Packers
- Will Tickle for a Stanley Nickel
- The Party Planning Committee
- The People's Person Paper People
- Mose Money, Mose Problems $$
- Here comes treble
- Fuck Toby
- Ass Turds
- Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial
Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure
- Will the Real Creed Bratton Please Stand Up!?
- The Bushiest Beaver Award
- Gingers Have Souls
- Gingers Have Souls
ABV Social
- Way to trick us into writing "white people" for #28
- At Least Tiger Didn't Get a 7-Iron to the Face This Time
Bavarian Bierhaus
- Last names don't matter with one night stands
Boomers Sports Pub
- Pour Out one for my "Comey's
- Amazing Spider Man 2 Sucked
- My couch pulls out, but i don't
- At Least Tiger Didn't Get a 7-Iron to the Face This Time
- Anthony Weiner in the Sheets, Tiger Woods in the Streets
Bavarian Bierhaus
- Last names don't matter with one night stands
Boomers Sports Pub
- Pour Out one for my "Comey's
- Amazing Spider Man 2 Sucked
- My couch pulls out, but i don't
Brass Monkey
- How Many Blonde Brass Tenders Does It Take to Get You Drunk?
- Easy Comey, Easy Gomey
- I'll Give You the Best 1/100 of a Second of Your Life!
- Comey Don't Play That (41 pts)
- Ray Charles' Art Museum Tours
- Hitler's Birthday Shot - The Concrete Mixer
- We Put the Cream in your Covfefe
- Putting it in More Holes than Tiger WoodsBroken Bat Brewing Co
- 2 guys, 1 cup
- Trebek's Rejects
- Comey is my Homey
- The Tickle Pickle
- Trump's Favorite Ice Cream is imPEACHment
Caffrey's Pub
- Quizzing in the Name of
- My mom can’t fight, but you should see her Box
- Hernandez Avoids Life Sentence...Patriots Cheat Again
- Golden Showers Bring May Flowers
- I Think That's Right: The James Comey Experience
- I Recognized Lisa Ann Before the Eminem Video...Sorry Honey
- Are You "Camino" At Me, Bro?
- Music Majors Who Fail the Music Round Every Time
- The Green Bay Pack Hers
Camp Bar, Shorewood
- This Team is Tremendous, Believe Me
- So Many Questions, Alderaan Answers
- I'm Slytherin for Mallory's Snitch
- Who Farted?
- Scotland... Blocking Trumps Balls Since 2006
- Weird, I'm A White Guy That Finishes In Under 10 Seconds Too
- My Screwdriver is NSFW
- We Drink and We Know Things
Camp Bar, Third Ward
- Lumbersexuals Anonymous
- Quiz in my Pants
- Le Penis Mightier
- My Trivial Dick is a Preexisting Condition
- It took two weeks to name my cats
- OJ's Innocent
- Free Handjobs by the Dart Boards
- Quizzteema Aguilera
- 9-inch Males
- The only thing that lasts longer than the NBA playoffs is me
- A team has no name
- F$&k,we have to work tomorrow
- The only thing that lasts longer than the NBA playoffs is me
- A team has no name
- F$&k,we have to work tomorrow
Camp Bar Tosa
- I'm higher than Moscow right now
- My couch pulls out... but I don't!
- When Monica and Rachel Kissed, My Penis Became The Largest Country In Europe
- Better Late Than Pregnant
- Send Nudes
- Team Low Brow
- Fuck Team Low Brow
- The Google Docs Phishing Scam is Just Click Bate
- What's the Difference Between Bill Clinton & the Titanic? We know how many people went down on the Titanic
- I Gave Betty White Bleeding Gums
- It's Only Cannibalism If You Swallow
- White Man Broke 10 Seconds, but He Can't Break 10 Inches
Highbury Pub- White Man Broke 10 Seconds, but He Can't Break 10 Inches
- Venus, Is That Uranus?
- The Chicago bears-the worst draft since Vietnam
- At night I jerk off to Friends
- Hotch bartenders are the best bartenders
- That euthanasia clinic has been killin it lately!
- Slay all day, then rosé
- We put the L in LGBT- Fuck TV theme songs
- One of us got fired, one of our apartments started on fire... we need a win this week
- Quiz in my pants
Jack's American Pub- Quiz in my pants
- Putin Trump in his place
- Diamonds are forever.. Roger Moore was not
- Ja Rule promised us we'd win
- Just like Trump, I thought this would be easier
- James comedy takes a ride on spirit airlines
- This just in... milverine has a fluffly white puppy
- I'm so excited I just quizzed in my pants!
Loaded Slate- I'm so excited I just quizzed in my pants!
- Why is Trump always Russian to release classified information?
- James Comey Comey Comey Chameleon
JB's on 41
- Trump - Miles away from ordinary
- Don't question the Quizmaster JB's on 41
-Snape, Snape, Severus Snape #dumbledore #harrypotterpals
- The Three Must Get Beers
- Quiz on My Face and Tell Me You Love Me
- Booga Suga Banditos
- Putin it in your cockholster
- Abortions, they bring out the kid in you
- Comey don't play dat
- Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up its trivia time
- I'm not gay-but five bucks is five bucks
- Bonus trivia fact- farts are the ghosts of the food you eat
Lucky Chance
- My Drinking Team Has A Trivia Problem
- LGITB, Not to be Confused With LGBTQ
- Broken Pencils Are Pointless
- Wisconcentration Camp
- The Always Elusive, Somewhat Reclusive, Tyrannosaurus Mex
- Wisconcentration Camp
- The Always Elusive, Somewhat Reclusive, Tyrannosaurus Mex
- HA HA Clinton's Dick
- The league of extraordinary guessers
- Whorey Povich: She Never Knows the Father
- Let me Google that for you
- Camouflage condoms because she never saw it coming
- DUI of the Tiger-Woods
- Nicholas Cage Oscar 2018
Milwaukee Ale House
- Andrew Jackson Would've Won
- The FBI Director Applicants
- This Was My Birthday Gift?
- Comey And The Tramp
- I "Comey" All Night- Gaston Seems Like the Type To Grab 'Em By the Pussy
- The Only Thing We Learned Tonight Was Your Name is Paul
Milwaukee Brat House
- New Phone, Who Dis
- Well Hung Jury
- I'll Show You A Four Inch Beam
- Pride and Prejudice My Ass
- Scott Walkers Bald Spot
- Tony Montana's Blow Ponies
- No one votes in North Korea
- Vote Regina George for FBI Director
- Comey's balls on Trumps plate
- Humphrey Bogart? More like HUMP ME, BOGART!
- Trebek's Mustache Rides
- Here's a team name for ya - screw you!
- Covfefe AF
New Berlin Ale House
- On Our Phones But We Still Lost!
- America Went to Jared
- Trump University Dropouts
- Blind've gotta hand it to them
- Silver Fox and the Hound
- Camoflauge condoms, she never saw me cumming
- Don't move! i'll get you a towel!
- Feel the Bern --> Vermont's Claim to Fame
- Dipshits "we know nothing"
- Fuck the kids
- According to Trump, Bjork is from Russia
- Roger's in the Moor-gue now
Red Rock Saloon
- Event planning by Ja Rule
- My girlfriend gave me the nickname, Microsoft
- Humpty Trumpty's failed wall
- Ja Rule Fan Club
- If you think talc is soft, wait until you see this
- Vincent Van Gogh Fuck Yourself
- Harry Potter might have the Golden Snitch but I have the Golden Snatch
- Jagwire
- Walking Talking Stephen Walking
- And the winning team is...
Second Salem Brewing Co
- I swear I didn't know she was my sister
- Jedi on the streets, With in the sheets
The Source Public House
- The Source" of all Knowledge
- Gently-Used Acid-Washed Jeans For Sale: Inquire Within
The Tosa Tavern
- The House Republicans just Screwed more people with pre-existing diseases than my college roommate
- Milwaukee Fyre
- You want a team name? You can't handle the team name!
- Russia Hacked our Answers
- Think of a Name, I have to pee
- Well Whole Foods is less intimidating and more confusing than we thought - 40
Uptown Tavern
- Koalafied SmartStupids
- My drinking team has a trivia problem
Von Trier
- The fyre festival catering team
- Make like a tree and get the f*ck outta here
- Welcome to Von Trier, home of $2 mojito Mondays
- Palin and Rice - scissor sisters 2020!
- A crusty bus station nation and a busty crustation Hatian interrogation (
- Hey hey hey smoke weed everyday
- shartnado
- Unexpected church boner
- The humble bee keepers
- Murder in moderation
- The humble bee keepers
- Murder in moderation
Whiskey Bar
- Tupac never died
- Best team name
- Declassified by Trump
- We need a Mexican
- 60% of the time we come in third every time
- Tiger woods straightest drive in years