Stranger Things
- Mrs. Wheeler is in all my episodes, too.
- Should I stay or should EGGO?
- Crankin' it up to ELEVEN
- Tastes like shit strawberry
- Good Will Hunting
- The Mouth Breathers
- Will's Warriors
- Get to the Hopper
- The Only Thing We Googled Was Mrs Wheelers Upside Down
- The Scoop Troop
- Hawkins AV Club
42 Ale House
- Making it rain on Stormy Daniels with Pablo
- The Loch Guinness Monsters
Bilda's Friess Lake Pub
- We thought this was speed dating
- Georgia ImpPeachment
- My Casio watch is tougher than I am
- We're Only Here For The Boooooos
Black Husky Brewing
- Hold my beer, I have to go pet that dog
- We were promised cake...and Jason
- It’s my birthday! I want a puppy! I love Black Husky
- Snip Snails and puppy dog tails
Brass Monkey, West Allis
- $200M for Titanic?! Some of that money should have went for more crotch shots and rubber nipples
- Hey Lauren, piece of advice: don't fall asleep with a lit cigarette
- Why does my cock look like a morel mushroom and sting like a fiery dragon when I pee?
- I can't believe someone broke into the garage and stole the limbo stick! I mean, seriously... how low can you go?
- Does it take less licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop if you use a well-placed finger in the backside?
Caffrey's Pub
- Anne Frank's Hide and Seek Club
- Trebek's Rejects
- Our fakes worked!
- My wife left me :(
- Nation of Quizlam
- Hitler's Jew-elers
- Dixie Normous
- Mike Vick's Dog Shelter
- "One Call, Fuck Off!"
- Djibouti Looks Nice Today
- Probe My Sulcus
- Stop the bus! Help my brother Jack off
- Sandusky's Babysitting Services
- Epstein's Teen Outreach Center
- Batman: Part-Time Bat, Part-Time Man, Full-Time Orphan
Campsite 131
- The only thing that sucks more than the Cardinals is Polar Express
- Trumpkin Pie
- Lockmaster Rawhide Timberwolves
- Greece me up some chick peas
- Rafiki’s red hot butt cheeks
- Don’t Ukraine on my parade
- Quid pro quo duo
- If You're Case Is Fucked, You Must Obstruct
- Rafiki's Red Hot Butt Cheeks
- My Bedroom Is The Smallest Theme Park In The World
- Team Spoopy
- Trick or Treat Yo’Self
- Halloweenies
Camp Bar, Shorewood
- It’s Decorative Gourd Season, Mother Fuckers
- Seething Cauldron of Angst
- Rattlesnakes and condoms, two things we don't F with
- Gary Busey’s Teeth
- Normally taking your date to the empire state building is a bad idea
- Ghouls just wanna have fun
Camp Bar, Third Ward
- We Had A Job Interview At 10pm...Thanks A Lot
- The Quizmaster Was Late, But My Girlfriend Isn't
- Taylor and the Meat Sweats
- Pain Perdu from the Top Turnbuckle!
- King Kong rubs the lotion on Ed Gein's Skin
- I don't always put on a happy face, but when I do it's someone else's
- Ed Geine's Discount Leathers
Camp Bar, Tosa
- What do you call a roman warrior with hair in his teeth? Glad he ate her
- D'oh I didn't know inflation was that bad?
- Single Dads Twerk from Home
- What do Brokeback Mtn and the Cowboys have in common? They cowboys both suck
- What do you call it when Batman leaves church early? Christian Bale
Club 400
- the return of the lock blockers
Colectivo, Lakefront
- 347,222 swipes on Tinder, one bottle of Chanel #5 sells
- Somebody Told Me About Djibouti
Craft Beer Cellar, Pewaukee
- Schlitz and giggle
- Kurt Cobain’s Carpet Stains
- Hoppy Ending
- Dingle Berry Jerry & the red hot hangers on
- Balls deep in Venus’s rose water dish
- Trumps Ex Wives
- The great snowy pumpkins
- Johnny Flush + the Rubber Plunger Commandos
- Ghosts in the cellar
East Troy Brewery
- Mikey needs food to focus
- The Illuminaughty
- Hair of the ass
- Rocking the birthday suit
- Marty, his ex-wife, and his new wife
- Downtown Abby our trivia host
- Quiztian Yelich
Hogs and Kisses
- This Is Our Team Name
- We Were On A Break
Izzy Hops
- Trivia Newton John’s
- Titanic Swim Team
- Team Funfhundert funf und funfzig
- Edgar Allen Hoes
- Somebody Told Me The Blair Witch Was Spider-Man
Jack's American Pub
- My Perfume is MAMBA NO. 5
- A billion swipes a day and I still can't get a date
- A whole buncha fuckery
- Tip your waitress, just the tip
- Drink Pineapple Juice, because OJ might kill you
- I don't know what to do with my hands
- What does the vulpes vulpes say?
- Are you sure they didn't make it HollyWeed?
- Fuck Box, Fuck Down, Fuck It
- I didn't go as spiderman, I went as man-spider. TOTALLY Different #2spook
- Hell, Michigan's Motto: "At least we're not Detroit"
- Undertaker?! I HARDLY KNOW HER!
Loaded Slate
- We suck
- Gene Simmons tongue
- Who the fuck knows all the members of one direction
- The moops
- Eli Manning’s face
- Poop Francis the turd
- The moops
- Rock of love runner ups
- Elijah Cummings for the last time
- Prestige worldwide
- I’m not clever
- Carrie for Best Bartender
- I'm Hungary for your Vienna
- Ed Gein's Upholstery and Cafe
- All of dan’s search history is BBW, maybe he owns stock
- BBW lovers
- JFK should have worn a helmet
- My drinking team has a trivia problem
- Republicans might be cunning linguists; but democrats are master debaters
- John and Kate minus 8
- I thought this was speed dating
- I love it when she calls me bagdhadi
Milwaukee Ale House
- Shut your “horde” mouth
- I once stayed at the pfister...and now I walk funny
- Impeach my bar tab
- Rubber nipples are our kryptonite (winner)
- Drink apple juice because OJ will kill you
- Betty Ford can still get it
- TGI Trivia Wednesday!
- Golden shower on the first date? What a prick!
- Crayola tampons
- Catholic Church Casting Couch
Milwaukee Brat House, downtown
- An Embarrassment of Quizzers
- The Gemini Vegetarians
- I Wish This Mic Was a Cock
- The Lights Are a Little Dim...Like Our Team
- We Are the Team That Says NEE
- Free Range Cow Farts: Don't Keep Em Penned Up!
- Avocado, Avocadon't
- William Shatner Mouth
- Ed Gein's Thick Peen
- Medusa Makes Me Hard
- How Many Licks Does It Take?
- Save Trees: Don't Wipe
Milwaukee Brat House, Shorewood
- Quiz in my face and tell me you love me
- The job squad! Pin me! Pay me!
- Ronald Reagan is chic
- Your mom gets traded as bbw too!
- Bull moose knuckle sandwich
- The refs are helping us
- Some joke involving a shitzhu
- Thanks for repealing prohibition, love Wisconsin
- Radio killed rush Limbaugh
- Tommy pickles sister was an asshole
Milwaukee Brewing Co.
- One of Us is a Quitter
- Two Girls, One Curd
- And That's Why My Dad Left
- Gettin Lucky in Kentucky
- The Halloweiners
- In Dog Beers, We've Only Had One
- Cocktoberfest
New Berlin Ale House
- How did I get from Iraq to Afghanistan? IRAN
- More fun than a screendoor on a submarine
- Your a Quizard Harry!
- We thought this was speed dating
- Swan ejaculation station 2, LLC
- Djibouti Shatnered out those peanuts
- Trivia or Treat 4th
- E = Mc Hammered 8th
- My nips don't lie, it's cold outside.
Newsroom Pub
- Those Other Guys
- Amber's Pampers and the Baby Bottle Boppers
- Mysterious Bar Man
- I would lick whipped cream off of Eleanor Roosevelts left hip
Raised Grain Brewing co.
- Umbilical Boys
- Quiz-triskaidekaphobia
Rally Time, West Bend
- Tour de Trivia
- Crampons, Crampoff
- Lance was the Sixth Osmond Brother
- NONE of Us Have Ever Dated Angelina Jolie
- Stoned Like Medusa
- Suck At Pool, Try Trivia!
Second Salem Brewing Co.
- Its because we're sober
- Yeah you can have our ketchup
- You can't spell trivia without letters
- Boo"ze
- What's this? What's this? There's white stuff in the air?
The Tosa Tavern
- Amelia pushed it, pushed it real good
- SPQR stupid people quizzing roughly
- Celebrities disguised as terrible quiz takers
- I ordered a spotted cow not a spotted dick
- No more spotted dick for me, thank you
- Smashing trumpkins
Three Lions Pub
- Should be at Orange Theory, but screw exercise
- Shit, we still need a team name
- Marine adventures with Robert Dinero, who taught me everything I know about deep sea diving, this is Cuba Gooding, Jr.
- ImPEACH Cobbler
- R Kelly’s Pommel Horse
- High Velocity Streams
- We hope we’re married longer than Angelina
- If you didn’t know the Battle of Balaclava was from the Crimean war - CRY ME A river
- Ed Gein’s Custom Upholstry
- Shorrorwood
- Eating Brains 2 Get Brains
- A White Witch Watched a Woebegone Walrus Winding White Wool Widdershins
- We Need To Return Some Video Tapes
- Hanks For The Memories
- No, we're not doing bloody Stone Henge
- I'd Rather Win My Ex-wife's Weight In Beer
- The first three way I’ve been in today
- Staff infection
- Grapist
Whole Foods, Edgewater
- Whole Fool$
- We Shop Here Aldi-time
- Guillotine 2020
- Trick or Trivia
- Queer and Present Danger.
- Screamers and moaners
- Guilloteen Hearthrobs
Whole Foods, Streeterville
- An Embarrassment of Hamsters
- Cremaster’s Reflex
- Imperial scientists
- Just here for the Boos!
Whole Foods, West Loop
- *enter obnoxiously esoteric team name here*
- The "Eddie the Eagles" of Trivia :(
- If Erin changes her name when she gets married her initials will be EMF which would be...unbelievable.
- As evident by our score, we need help. Accepting applications for new teammates now.
- Our score is so low it's spooky
Whole Foods, Willowbrook
- A group of embarrassments
- Quiz Pro Quo
- Catholic Church Casting Couch
- Son of a Witch!