The Office Trivia
- Mose Calls Them Garbage
- “Drive Fast, Leave a Sexy Corpse”
- Scott’s Thots
- VooDoo Mama Juju
- Bears, Beets, B-Rated Trivia Team
- Scott’s Thots ❤️
- Jan Levinson's Boob Job
- The Party Planning Committee
- The Fighting Dwights
Bad Moon Saloon
- Ned Debevics
- Betty White’s Favorite Animals
Branded @ Iron Horse Hotel
- The Milwaukee Buds
- Lick my William and my Taft
- The Iron Whores
- We don’t DO drugs, we sell drugs
- What I drink doesn’t allow me to live longer
Brass Monkey, West Allis
- So the weatherman said 4-10 inches. Do they mean real inches or “man inches”? Asking for a friend
- Skittles gave me blue bags
Caffrey's Pub
- Quizmaster, I hardly know her?
- Betty White died so Bob Saget could live
- Trivia loves me, fish fear me
- Andy Sambergs Rock Hard Dick
- The British are coming! (And so are we)
- Tell your boyfriend that if he's got beef, that I'm a vegetarian and I ain't ****** Scared of him.
- Joe Burrow is my Daddy
Camp Bar Shorewood
- Should Have Known Tarantino Was a Piece of Shit Given He Was Mr. Brown
- New Year, New Beer, No Fear
- Congrats to Drugs for Winning the War on Drugs
- Goofy Goofy Goofy Goofy Goofy Goober YEAH!
- Stoned...Even Without Medusa
- It's Not Just a Boulder... It's IRAQ
- All we can say about the Packers game is BUCKS IN SIX!
- I'm on the right track baby I was born really bad at trivia, Emily. Please give us best team name our tab is really high and I have $13 in my bank account.
Camp Bar Tosa
- I’ll put my Dollywood in your Mr. Brown
- I don’t do trivia, I am trivia
- Pop it lock it wreck it Ralph
Camp Bar Third Ward
- Grab ‘‘em by the Will(iam)
- What is this? Trivia for ants?
- 70% of the earth is covered by water, but the rest is covered by Charles Woodson
- You’ll need more than three extinguishers to put out this fire
- Lady Gaga paid us to find her dog at trivia
Deer Camp MKE
- Meaty Milwaukee Mamas
- Hugh G. Rection
- Walt Disney’s Frozen Gas Giants
- Katy Perry’s Bum Bag
- Help, I’m the only Packer Fan at this table!
Eagle Park Brewing
- Thank God That Burrow Sent Jackson and Brittany maHomes
- Thanks O'Biden
- Put Your John Hamm in my Betty White
Fox River House
- We Don’t Know Shit About Fuck
- Pop the Emergency Egg-Zit
Izzy Hops
- hash ringing slash slinging hash ringing slasher
- and coming in first place with 250 points
- White snake weiner
Jack's American Pub
- We K.A.I.M., We Saw, We Conquered
- Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest
- Aaron Rogers loves TDs
- Word games, bed wettest
- A drinking team with a trivia problem
- Deadliest Snatch
J&Bs Blue Ribbon
- Shirtless and unemployed in Tampa.
- Bumbag Pujols.
- 2 girls 1 trivia sheet
Kyote's Bar
- Bring Back $1 Busch Lights
Magoo's on the Mound
- If we could think of a Betty White pun, we would be Golden Girls
- Shaving Ryan's Privates
- Rock n Roll Rounds can suck my whitesnake
- The Titanic Swim Team
- The Rolling Stoners
- Biden’s Financial Advisors
- Wisconsin Whores
- Zoomers love their phone
Milwaukee Ale House
- Porky Pig is the Second Largest Land Animal after Your Mom
- We May Not Be a Smart Trivia Team, but We Know What Love Is...
- Two Non-Blonds and Friends and Canadians
- The First Film Lasted Longer than My First Boyfriend
- Olive Juice Simpson
Milwaukee Brat House, downtown
- Quiz in my pants
- Who wants to snuggie with us?
Milwaukee Brat House, Shorewood
- All madden bar dice team
- Whigs party
- Ask not what brown can do for you but what you can do for brown
- I’m still still having brat farts tonight
- Mrs. Potato heads favorite body part
- Quiz in our pants
- They call my penis “the great one”
- The bicepticles
- Ironically, ironic by Alanis morrisette isn’t ironic
- My team name is my penis
Milwaukee Brewing Co.
- Covid is the new Herpes
- Crimea River, Ukraine 🎶
- Steve Buscemi's eyes photoshopped onto a woman's face is someone's fetish... somewhere... :(
- No love for Donatello (The Big "D")
- Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson's Offspring look like Mr. Potato Head
- Pamela Anderson gave Tommy Lee Potato Head
- Betty White's Belated Birthday Bash
- Pete Davidson Banged My Mom
- NASCAR: Nasty ass scumbags cars and racing
- Better Late Than Pregnant
- Die Hard = Best Christmas Movie Ever
- My Faith is Blind but Ray Charles Isn’t
- My Grandma doesn’t wrestle, but you should see her box
Pete's Pub
- 3:50 AM “u up?” -Milwaukee County Sheriff
Raised Grain
- Raised Brain
- One week a month, I use my big D to part the Red Sea.
Rally Time, West Bend
- Actually Your Mom Is The Heaviest Land Mammal
- If The Rapper Eminem Was Gay, Would His Name Be Skittles?
- F@ck That Was Unpleasant
- Escargot F@ck Yourself (This Quiz Was Hard)
- My Winter Socks Ain't The Only Thing That's Thick
Rock Bottom Brewery
- Chris's Fireball Handle
- Pabst Smear
- Feta Crumbled not Cubed
- If you really want to entertain us these days, orgasm on command
- Better Late Than Pregnant
Second Salem Brewing
- A couple of everlasting gobstoppers seated at the bar!
- Tokyo Fatboys
- Lieutenant Dan! Ice Cream!!
- Jones BBQ and Foot Massage
State Line Distillery
- Eternal Trivia of the Thoughtless Mind
- The cello shots
- Yes I Like Piña Colada’s
- Distilling This Knowledge
- Cute First Date
Station 1 Brewing Co.
- Nacho Team Name
Third Space Brewing
- Wales is STILL NOT a Country
- How Many Ounces in a Pint
- Buffalo Super Bowl Champs 2023
Wisconsin Brewing Co.
- Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets
- Jomeo & Ruliet