Parks & Rec Trivia
- Fleetwood Mac Sexpants
- Someone's On Fire At Ramsit Park
- The Department of Homeland Obscurity
- Scrotation Marks
- Fill the pit!
- The Pawnee Godesses
- We got Knope Hope
- You Beautiful Tropical Quiz Team
- 5Skin, Formerly Known As 4Skin
- Super Awesome Musical Explosion
- Little Sebastian's micro-penis
- Kim K’s Cum Back Story
- I'm Perd Hapley and this is our trivia team
- The Very Good Trivia Team
- Jean Ralphi-Hoes
- Perdverts
- Threeskin
1840 Brewing
- I unfriended your mom
- You can’t quiz with us, the Bobby Portis Shimmy & Mob Barley
- It’s trivia, bitch
Bad Moon Saloon
- Golden Showers - Cum for Hour
- Athletic Back Ends
- No…. Your Anus
- Hard Nips 4 Second Winter
- Christian Bale may have had been the best Batman but Michael Keaton had the best batnips
- Tom Brady the original American psycho
Branded at the Iron Horse
- Kelly Kapowski Gets Me Going and Going and Going
- Maybe it’s Maybeline, Maybe it’s Mastercard
- J Be Flacid
- Kuwait a Minute
- We’re Only Here Until the Baby’s Bedtime
Brass Monkey, West Allis
- Penis demilo
- Michaelangelo's David is not anatomically correct
- I'd do all the batmen
- Only an exotic dancer could perform on a 40 square foot space.
Caffrey's Pub
- Ford: for pussies on four wheels
- Marquette's Mommy Milkers
- Jeffrey Dahmer was a vegan
Camp Bar, Shorewood
- We collectively have as many degrees as Steve Jobs
- Smells like Prince Charles
Camp Bar Tosa
- Flying Dutchmen and The tornado: Olympic sex positions
- 57 things I hate about you
- Technically Kobe Bryant also retired in 2020
Camp Bar Third Ward
- Dirty Dancing in our Pea-coats
- Oops I did Prince Charles again - Brittany Spears
Deer Camp MKE
- Mr Potato Head’s Penis
- Quizmaster Nick uses Mayo as salad dressing by
- Unsolicited quiz pics
- 2 Girls 1 Brain Cell
Ferch's Crafthouse Grille
- Put these Teabags in your mouth
Fox River House
- Blasting Creed in your Mom’s Minivan
- Quiz in my pants
Izzy Hops
- This is our last $3, then we riot!
- Tiger Woods (plural: Ambush Woods)
- Flaccid Reflux
-Skippin class and eating ass
- Meep my team’s name out yo fucking mouth
- Registered flex offenders
- Uncles with benefits
- Mary Popping Cherries
- Don’t Quiz on the electric fence
J&B's Blue Ribbon
- Our bats are longer than 36 inches
- Alexa, play Pornhub
- M.I.L.Fs (Man I Love Facts!
Magoo's on the Mound
- Did you say hot pants and bra at age 8? Have a seat, Im Chris Hanson
- Tobacco that ass up girl
- Someone should tilt the pole in Uranus
- Monks, they dont bother anybody
- Move over Lex Luthor, here comes Elon
- I Voted 4 Phalic Baldwin
- Brainstorming without the Brain
- Did Hellen Keller know that Charlie Chaplin was a silent film star?
- The Flying Thotsmen
- The Beauty and the Behemoth
Milwaukee Ale House
- Madonna's Fake Ass
- Bed, Bath, and Beyonce
- Is Ketchup a beverage?
- How did Harry Potter get down the hill? Walking... JK Rolling.
- What's Obama's Last Name?
- Does Syphilis Cause Blindness?
- Oedipus and the Mama's Boys
- Jack Sparrow's Wide Kraken one off in his bed Broke the Geneva Connection.
Milwaukee Brat House, downtown
- Boozehounds
- Is the Breaststroke Built for Speed or Comfort
Milwaukee Brat House, Shorewood
- The missing tenth lightning round answer
- I played twister with your mom last night
- Pair of schlitz is better than a pair of tits
- 5 teams 1 milf
- I wish my anus got 42 years of Sunlight
- Lady Gaga can wear me as a meat suit
- Skittles…. Taste the brown
Milwaukee Brewing Co.
- Pinocchio's 42 inch Burmese python
- Pubic Frenemies
- We have a dog on our team and he didn't pay
- Oaky afterbirth
- My Family Plays Twister Naked: Roll Tide
- Mary Poppin that Wet Ass P-Word
- A Lion wouldn't cheat on his wife, a Tiger Wood
- Is Jada Bald Everywhere?
- Elon Musk's Space-X Probe to Uranus
- I was Conceived in Al-Bukkake, New Mexico
- Heard you Putin in the Bed
- Meat man Thursdays
- Bohemian crapsody
- Who needs a toy when you have a minute man?
Open Door Taproom
- The Fun Employed
- We Thought This Was Speed Dating
Pete's Pub
- The Quizmaster’s Hall Pass is Donald Trump
- We Don’t Pit, We Swallow
Raised Grain
- Quiz on my Face Daddy
- I don’t have a mountain, but I’ll give you my dwarf
- It only takes me 19.19 seconds to finish
- BDE- Big Dick Energy
Rally Time, West Bend
- Quizzed in My Pants
- What Do Your Mom and a Leprechaun Have In Common? They are both gold diggers.
- Fun Fact: Madonna's Third Husband Was Purdue's Licking Machine
- Happy Queefster!
- A Group of Dolphins Is Called A Pod, but a Group Of Moms Is My Wet Dream
Red Lion Pub
- Buzz Lightyear in the streets, Mr potato head in the sheets
Red Star Bar (Whole Foods, Streeterville)
- Quiz Me Baby One More Time
- I Drink And I Don't Know Things
- Pizza, Beer, and a Third Wheel
Rock Bottom
- Steven Hawking's school dance
Second Salem
- Jeffrey Epstein’s Entourage
- Nard Dogs
- Socially Handicapped
- Put the Cocaine Back in Coca-Cola
- Scott's Tots
- Cheese CURDS and WHEY Protein
- Tesla Twitter Trivia Titties
State Line Distillery
- Visit to view Adoptable Roxanne
- Throw Ellie a Bone
- Outside Our Marriage
- The emo teletubbies
- Quiztopher Walken
- the Gin-stigaters
- Drink Local, Trivia Local… until Elon Musk buys us all Name
- Doses and Mimosas, Champagne and Croquet
Station 1 Brewing
- “Care”amedics
- Poor Some Sugar On Me, Diabetically
Third Space Brewing
- 7 Non Blondes Walk Into a Bra
- I took French for two years but don’t know any French cities
- We’ll settle for 3rd place at 3rd Space
The Turn
- They don't know that we know they know we know
UpDown MKE
- Jack Dawson’s Best Line was “F*** it”
- Kendrick LeMario Kart
- Foxtrot Unicorn Charlie Kilo
- David’s Javelin is 0.8
- Bombay Voyage
- Tim's Towering Tremors
Wisconsin Brewing Co.
- Elton John’s Rocketmen
- CO2 Legit to Quit