Best Team Names of June 2023

Schitt's Creek Trivia
- Simply not the best 
- The Tos-a-girls
- The demonic rain makes me feel vomit soaked
- In the lee of a picturesque ridge lies a small, unpretentious trivia team
- Every Rose has its Schitt
- Herb Erfling...ger. Burt Herngeif #Fruitwine
- The Methy Joselyns
- Don't worry she's my sister
- the Schittsville Schitters 
- The Whispers of Desire
- Schitty schitty bang bang
- Hampton hoes 
- Simply the best
- the Jazza-gays 
- the write off people 
- Moira’s Rose’s

1840 Brewing
- IPA...Lot

The Baaree
- Sgt. Chili Peppers Horny Hearts Club Band 
- There's no debt ceiling on our bar tab
- I want Colin Firth to Benz me over 
- LOL Kelsey said "E" as in Elephant Cock 
- Lady in the streets and a tortoise in the sheets
- crème brûlée in my pants
- What's in the box? What's on the boooooooooooooooooox?
- Snow White & the Seven Bitches 
- What's in David's Other Hand?

Brass Monkey
- If they grew Doritos on a farm, it would be a pretty Cool Ranch
- Rusty Fuckits!
- The Titanic - Drowning Rich People Since 1912 
- Well, the good news is that the Titanic has a new exhibit…
- Unlike the Titanic submarine, my implosion in you will bring you joy. 
- Canada made us drink inside. 
- It’s a little Smokey out there, eh? 
- What’s more twisted? Our humor or the Oceangate submarine?

Cafe Hollander - Brookfield
- Indiana Jones and the sex shrimp
- Jeopardy rejects
- oh Simpson, in a sauna with a Christmas tree
- Kristine cocaine book club
- we thought we were cleaver 
- boozy bitches
- Shaving Ryan’s Privates

Cafe Hollander - Madison 
- My cat has cancer
- Les quizerables
- It quiz what it quiz
- Dolla make me hollandah

Cafe Hollander - Mequon
- Swift v Simpson

Caffrey's Pub
- Porcupine Pissers.
- Full Thumb Delivery
- The Slunts
- James Cameron’s Divers

Camp Bar - Shorewood
- I’m going home to pee on my wife
- I’m going home to give my wife the power stroke with the no thumb delivery! 
- They replaced our chocolate milk with broccoli Obama 
- Incontinence Hotline: Please Hold
- Gaylord? During pride month?

Camp Bar - Third Ward
- Hulk Hogan Urinated in my Cranberries
- ‘69 summer Olympic gold medalists
- we’re gonna need a bigger submersible

Camp Bar - Tosa
- USA should be under M for ‘Merica
- The wettest place on earth is actually mapoosi
- what is this, a coupé for ants???!!

Crafty Cow - Milwaukee
- Miss Scarlet? I Hardly Know He
- Bi-Sexual Monks
- Trivia Newton John

Crafty Cow - Oconomowoc
- Joey Triviani
- The Spotted Cows

Crafty Cow - Wauwatosa
- Imma take my jumbo shrimp down her rabbit hole 
- Who the hell pulls up at 6am to cuddle? Go to bed 
- It's a whole-ass chicken
- Fuck Bingo Best name
- The Real Slim Pickins'
- Leave it to Mrs. Cleaver's Beaver
- Air Quality like a solid bowling score

Deer Camp MKE
- Cuck taylor
- my couch pulls out but I don’t
- fisting is the new 2nd base
- Titanic 2: The Sink-quel
- non-sex havers
- Ponce de dis dick

Eagle Park Brewing - MKE
- Usher, Deez nuts
- The hills are alive with porcupine piss
- England has stupid names
- A dolph lundgren chums deez nuts 
- she Frappuccino on my dick bone 
- I gained consciousness during Janet Jackson’s nip slip during the Super Bowl halftime show 
- hints are for millennials 
- Made you look… at my zipper

Eagle Park Brewing - Muskego
- The real house wives of MKE County
- Powerstroke my javelin until I squirtle
- Tom cruise urinates at a high velocity
- Ben Affleck presents: good Willie hunting 
- who cares about Nebraska?
- brother's from the same exact mother

Elm Grove Beer Garden
- My ass is as flat as Rhode Island.
- C’s get degrees.
- Oops, I did an Oompa Loompa in my fencing pants
- Third Space Smog Weiss

Fox River House
- Cum Come Quom

Gathering Place Brewing - MKE
- Fermented Fools
- Titanic 2, Wealthy White People 0

Gathering Place Brewing - Tosa
- Penny can kiss my Farthings!

- Even with help I’m helpless
- We gave back our pens for 69. Nice.
- We're calling you about your submarine's extended warranty

The Landing at Hoyt Park
- Is buttchecks one word or should I spread them apart?
- Cleopatra can play with my clock for 10,000 years
- Student loans and crippling depression
- Your mom's favorite handheld toy isn't her Rubik's Cube
- Have you ever had food in Zimbabwe? Neither have they
- I test a nuclear bomb every day in the loo
- Stacy's mom was a 99c nuclear bombshell
- The idiots who thought we'd find a table if we got here at 6:30
- Her Poonah smells like spam
- Stacy's mom is behind Chili's and only 99 cents

Lion's Tail - Neenah
- Team Drinkin’ With the Rents
- Slippery Slitherins 
- The Last Brian Cellz
- Quiz Khalifa 
- Big Balls, Bigger Brains
- is this COVID or am I tasting Canada 
- I thought this was Bingo

Lion's Tail - Tosa
- our chances of winning sunk like the titanic
- Why are there so many f*cking kids in here? Thank goodness they f*cking left. 

- Too many women, not enough beers
- Best Worst Date Ever
- Gingers Have No Souls
- Yellowstone can blow Canada’s fires 
- Harry Potter and the golden throat goat

Milwaukee Brat House, downtown
- rattlesnakes and condoms, two things I don’t fuck with
- Trump’s bathroom chandeliers
- two guys one scorecard
- I wish this Mic was a big black cock

Milwaukee Brat House - Shorewood
- You say foolproof, we say poopity scoopity
- When are the saudis buying out quizmaster?
- So who else got a hummer from their bishop 
- Soggy balls
- The 3 “w” sports are: water polo, wrestling, and women’s wrestling
- The devil wears undersized leather gloves 
- William Taft? More like William shaft 
- Kim jong un likes his quiches quispe
- The wettest place in the world is your mom 
- Rock the rhombussy 

Mo's Irish Pub
-  I’d BASE jump off Colin firth 
- Sammy sosas crooked bat
- Indiana jones and the last submersible

- Jesus take the Wheel of my Sex Drive, I'm about to Pompeii myself
- E for Idiots
- Jenny from the Clock in Saudi Arabia
- It Was OJ, In the Sauna, with the Bishop
- Hans Gruber: One Fall, That's All
- Canada isn't the only thing on fire. So is my Butthole.
- MKE: Smokiest Place in the World
- Ryan Reynolds is the only Canadian Smokeshow we want

- Train & Milverine = Distraction
- Flaccid Reflux
- Denver Nougats
- I'm base jumping of the Hoan Bridge tonight
- My birdhouse brings all the chicks to the yard, damn right, it's better than Aaron Rodgers

Panther Pub
- This is a quizaster
- Never gonna quiz you up
- Dumb pucks

Perspective Brewing Co
- The Animal with the largest mouth in the world is your mom

Pete's Pub
- Brown Privilege
- Mary Poppin that Pussy
- Let me see your sushi roll
- She’s Wagon on my Wheel til I Darius Fuck-her

Pilot Project
- Quizzards of Oz
- Our drinking team has a trivia problem

Pomona Cider Co
- Cum in side her (cider) 
- Cider? I hardly know her
- let’s go bitches it’s time to quiz (lgbtq) 
- cide hustle
- But what was in David's right hand?

Raised Grain Brewing
- "In the name of the father, and the son, and the thighs high leather boots…. AMEN.” -the Pope
- Too hot for teacher, too hot for sex panthers 
- How to ride a dick… I mean bike
- Too Cold to do this naked 
- Curb your Trump enthusiasm 
- Shark Cootie
- ooops I did it again… a tale of two penises 
- Oopsaloompa I did it again

Rally Time, West Bend
- J-Lo Went Down Faster than the Titanic
- SupercalifragilisticexpialiHOE-SHIT
- HOLE is Whenever I'm With You

Red Lion Pub
- My mom fucks like a velociraptor.

State Line Distillery
- Why would they use Sex Noises for Jurrasic Park?
- Crème Papas 
- The Three Whisky-teers
- Keefer Madness Part Deux 2
- They Literally had it all! Imploding in the Deep! 
- Joining Jack at the Bottom
- shaken not stirred 
-Affirmative Smokey Submarine (A.S.S.) 
- Smokey The Bear Says “it’s too late now to say sorry”

TAQ Brewing
- Milf Hammer & The Fluffers

Third Space Brewing
- William Shattner Face
- You couldn’t play ‘Danger Zone’ during the movie round?
- Cleaver? I barely know her.

UpDown MKE
- Leave Britney Alone!!
- I Went to See the Mona Lisa and All I Got was this Shitty T Shirt! 
- Chief Executioner of Dat Ass 
- Rubik’s Boob
- Wine her, Dine her, Oppenheimer 
- Dude, Where’s My Submarine?
- On the box?! Brother, I’m trying to MUNCH the box

- All of the brains none of the cells 
- Hogo deez nuts

Walhburger's at Hy-Vee
- Who let the teachers out, who, who?
- We can't do worse than last week
- The air is to blame for our answers

Wisconsin Brewing Co / Lake Louie Brewing
- it’s all “sauna” games until someone dies 
- if we only had a brain
- Gen and the Holograms 
- It's Okay to Drink Alone 
- Girls Just Wanna Have Sun

Whole Foods - Taps (3 W Chicago Ave)
- I drink and I know things

Whole Foods - East Side Tap
- Brewed and Screwed
- Underwater Crushables

Whole Foods - Streeterville (Chicago)
- Netflix + Chili
- Meetwood Flac

Whole Foods - The Tosa Tavern
- Majorca? I hardly know ya!
- Two babies, no naps

- Yall Better Clap...plz 
- Return to Bitch Mountain 
- Shot Put Deez Nuts (in your mouth)
- Fun-Employed 
- One Team To Rule Them All
- Is This Zocalo? No this is Patrick.


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