We have to go back…. to the Ale House! The LOST Quiz recap...

It was like a flashback this past Sunday at the Milwaukee Ale House, as Quizmaster made it's triumphant return to the Third Ward staple for our LOST Quiz.

Quiz together or die alone was the theme of the night, as eleven teams converged to test themselves on a 30 question, 101-point game. Boosted by a couple of wager rounds and two "double or nothing" categories, it was go big or go home.

And speaking about going big, The button pushing brothers from another lifetime came dressed to impress as the Man in Black's mother, crazy-eyed Claire, the Man in Black and a slightly-in-need-of-a-spray-tan Richard Alpert...

Great work for them. Thanks for dressing up guys!

Check out some of the other pics from the night's showdown...

And yes, that is a home-made Dharma jumpsuit!….

In the end though it was a two-way race at the top, as both teams went "double on nothing" on the applicable rounds and got all questions right in both categories.

Second spot went to Spoiler alert: Shannon's a bitch (a.k.a. the MKE trivia juggernaut formerly known as Miltown Junks) who took some MKE Brewing Co. beer for their trouble...

They were just one measly point (damn you Ian Somerhalder!!) behind eventual first place duo from All the best quizzers have daddy issues, who had assured QM Ryan that they would win this quiz even before it had started...

Congrats gents. A case of MKE Brewing Co beer is yours.

Our next quiz, about The Office, is December 7th at the Three Lions Pub. Hope to you all there!

Until next time Milwaukee, drink while you think...

Thursday November 23rd, 2014 scores:

  1. 99 All the best quizzers have daddy issues
  2. 98 Spoiler alert: Shannon's a bitch
  3. 81 John and Kate plus 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 (and 4)
  4. 80 Locke, stock and one smoking monster
  5. 66 The button pushing brothers from another lifetime
  6. 62 Don't tell us what we can't do!
  7. 59 The Einsteins of bears
  9. 44 Oceanic Three
  10. 42 Geronimo Jackson 5
  11. 15 Even if we Googled every answer we still would have LOST


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