Threat Level: QUIZ NIGHT! Our Office quiz recap!

It was a slightly moist and warm out (that's what she said) this Sunday night, as 23 teams converged on the Three Lions Pub in Shorewood for our quiz about The Office.

A 30 question game, featuring two wager round, two "double or nothing" categories and a whole lotta inappropriate "that's what she said" jokes, saw some of Quizmaster's finest Scranton-branch employees come out for fun at 7pm.

In the end, 90 points were up for grabs and it was the trio from the aptly named Here Comes Treble (click on photos to enlarge) who took top spot with their crushing score of 88….

$50 in Three Lions love went their way. We guess it wasn't too hard for them (that's what she said).

Second spot went to Office stalwarts Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Face for the Cure Trivia Team...

He'e event got the sweatshirt. That must be nice and warm (that's what she said).

As per usual at Quizmaster events, the team name prize was fiercely contested, with honorable mentions going to...

  • I delcare BANKRUPTCY!
  • Meredith! Where are your panties????
  • Looks like there's going to be a clean up on aisle 5
  • Is the area red and swollen?

In the end though it had to be a Dwight quote that won over the assistant (to the) regional Quizmaster's heart, with If they catch us, they will rape us! taking away the prize...

Always good for a slightly inappropriate and awkward team name these guys!

And check out more photos from the night…

Good stuff! Watch out for more themed events, including Mad Men, LOTR, Star Wars, Harry Potter and more in 2015!

Until next time Milwaukee, drink while you think…

Sunday December 7th, 2014 scores:

  1. 88 Here Comes Treble
  2. 84 Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Face for the Cure Trivia Team
  3. 75 Is the area red and swollen?
  4. 74 Re-Cyclops
  5. 71 Impish and admirable
  6. 62 Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration
  7. 62 Here Come Treble
  8. 60 Team Flaunkerton
  9. 60 Deangelo's inner circle
  10. 59 Here Come Treble
  11. 59 Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
  12. 57 Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
  13. 57 Crentist D.D.S.
  14. 55 Threat Level: Midnight
  15. 54 Scott's Tot's Whiskey Shots
  16. 50 Meredith! Where are your panties????
  17. 49 If they catch us, they will rape us!
  18. 49 I want people to be afraid of how much I know about the office
  19. 47 I delcare BANKRUPTCY!
  20. 46 Looks like there's going to be a clean up on aisle 5
  21. 45 One man and his hand, "That's what she said"
  22. 45 45 points... and I girl push up
  23. 20 Boner Treble


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