FeudMaster's Funniest Answers of October 2022!

3 Sheeps Brewing

  • Name a place where it would be in bad taste to hit on someone? Answer: The Abortion Clinic

J&B's Blue Ribbon

    • Guys, name a collection a woman might have that might scare you away? Answer: Live-in ex-boyfriends

    Milwaukee Brat House, Shorewood

    • Name something you takeoff a turkey before serving it? Answer: Balls
    • Name an item/object found in your house that would be a good weapon during a Zombie Apocalypse? Answer: Vibrating Dildo
    • Name something a bad guy might throw out the window during a police chase? Answer: Baby
    • If you were about to “go all the way” with someone, what’s something that might make you have second thoughts once you see them naked? Answer: 'someone drew the smallest penis I’ve ever seen.'

    Pete's Pub

    • Name something that pregnant women often complain about? Answer: Peeing too much
    • Name a place where I would be in bad taste to hit on someone? Answer: The abortion clinic
    • Name something soft and white? Answer: Coke! … We mean snow
    • What do cannibal children want in their candy bags? Answer: Candied nuts

    Rally Time, West Bend

    • Name a musical instrument you need a good set of lips to play? Answer: Meat Flute
    • When you get out of bed in the middle of the night, name something that's easy to trip over? Answer: Mike + Gary's Toys
    • For cannibal Halloween, name a body part the little cannibals hope to get in their treat bags? Answer: Chocolate Covered Nuts


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