Best Team Names of March 2023

Harry Potter Trivia
- The Moaning Myrtles
- For Fawkes Sake 
- Neville Gunna Give You Up
- Grainger? I hardly know her...moine 
- Hufflesluts
- Call Me Draco Malloy Because I’ll Be Screaming ‘Daddy’ All Night Long.
- Blue Quaffles 
- Not me, not Hermione, YEW!
- The half blood formerly known as Prince
- The Half-Blood Formerly Known As Prince 
- A Firebolt? I'd rather ride Kingsley Shacklebolt
- Accio Beer
- Expecto Beero 
- Is this bar open, or should I Slytherin?
- Babbling Bumbling Band of Baboons 
-Trauma Thestrals 
- Drink ‘til you S.P.E.W.
- Luna Loves Good Long Bottom(s)

Pixar Trivia
- A Buzzed Life 
- The Lit Lamps
- Finding Nemo's Prostate
- Pixar Us Winning Dontae
- Helen Parr Is Dummy Thiccc
- 2 beer buzzed………to Rothschild and beyond!
- ‘Up’ Yours 
- Toys Bugs and Monsters Finding Incredible Cars 
- Andy’s Mom had Woody and Buzz Toys Too
- Andy’s Adult Toys
- The technological feat that is Violet's hair 
- There’s a snake in my booze
- You did What in Your Cup 
- “I” Doesn’t Love Lamp 
- I Just Squish-eed in my Pants
- They're always hiring in the mailroom
- Toy Story Whore

1840 Brewing
- Eccentric Corgis on Muscle Beach
- What did the female fox say?

Ashling on the Lough
- Harsh wall noise 
- What a catastrophe!
- Suck it Trebek
- The only way to become a US Citizen is to blow senator

Brass Monkey - West Allis
- Just like the Badgers, not enough points 
- Hopefully they insured the Death Star 
- Fuck Tom Cruise 
- The Jets can have Aaron!
- Hoors for Coors
- We may be old, but at least we didn’t come over on the Mayflower
- I think I got an STD from Quizmaster Katelin. Ever since I Slimered in her Rubik’s Cube, I’ve got Great Balls of Fire.

Cafe Hollander - Brookfield
- Everything I Know I learned from TikTok
- I though Purdue losing to a 16 seed was bad, our answers are worse
- Devin’s Cat has gingivitis 
- Three Kids who Axolotl questions 
- The Empire Struck Back, Not Sure We Did

Caffrey's Pub
- Diary of a wimpy kid: a novel by Anne Frank
- Michael Vick’s Puppy Chow
- Joey hauser is Hitler if he had an egg for a head

Camino - West Allis
- We should’ve cheated
- twisted testicles
- Know what else is longer than a blue whale.

Camp Bar - Shorewood
- where was whoville in the list??
- Give my French horn a French kiss and a French twist 
- Don’t believe her? ALASKA!!
- 3.5 inches into Uranus at 100 mph 
- oops I did it in Uranus
- remove the thing to get to the chatterbox 
- I can see your cul de sac through your thong…
- Better Late than Pregnant 
- Jackie Kennedy's outfit was white at the start of the parade

Camp Bar - Third Ward
- fi fye fo fum fuck this
- Jack wishes he was 12 inches
- Britney went to Portland and use a urinal. That’s when she discovered Moby’s Dick
- Donkey Kong's thong
- Britney said Kevin was a womanizer, but the Royal Family Meghan was toxic

Camp Bar - Tosa
- Peter Pan eats out at Wendy’s
- Mobile dick me down and I’ll Moana
- Honk if you’d rather be watching the 1999 cinematic masterpiece “The Mummy” starring Brendan Fraser
- Stephen hawking school of dance!

Camp Trippalindee 
- January Jones Fan Club
- Two Balls and a Bag

Crafty Cow - Bay View
- celebrating international womens day at
- Team Extra Chromosome

Crafty Cow - Oconomowoc
- Slowly, yet softly, licking Danny Devitos bald head until he purrrrrrs like a walrus

Crafty Cow - Tosa
- Straight Outta Bathtubs- The Story of William Taft
- Timothy Chalamet can explore my chocolate factory

Deer Camp
- this bar is filled w RWB rejects
- Morgan is the hottest trivia master on this side of the Mississippi
- I’ll give you the one seed tonight
- I can’t believe my parents beat me at trivia

Eagle Park - Milwaukee
- Toes and hoes 
- Leaving three squares of toilet paper on the wall so you don’t have to change it
- porn – piss - tits as opposed to horn - kiss – twist
- trivia this week was more painful than stepping on a Lego
- Save a horse ride a mustache

Eagle Park - Muskego
- fee fi fo fudge we had that 
- fee fi fo f this (65 pts) 
- department of redundancy department
- Red hot trivia peppers
- Pulling Little Fockers Out of Uranus
- Don’t stick play dough up Uranus
- From 64 to the final pour 
- Mr Chanandler bong  
- Easy, breezy, beautiful, Taco Bell

Fox River House
- Brendan Fraser is the Whale & the Fucking GOAT
- My Meatballs are making my underwear saucy 
- 2 old 4 pop-punk

Gathering Place Brewing - MKE
- Texas Smith and the Radar of the Lost Arc
- Henry's Winkler
- I'm a Belgee-an from Belgee-um
- Xi in Putinland
- Blarneylicious
- Is Canada a US State?
- Meow Thrice If You're in Pewaukee

Gathering Place Brewing - Tosa
- Tosa Turkeys
- Silent Sharters

Izzy Hops
- Gwenyth Paltrow’s Vagina Candles 
- Goop! There it is!
- She Mona When I Lisa
- This is 30: Everything Hurts! 
- I Would Like To Greco-Roman Wrestle Jessica Chastain 
- Nessie's Girl Extreme Makeover Your Mom Edition 
- Nirvana Be Kiddin' Me Move that bus! 
- Pandoras Tight Little Box 
- I Concorde Your Mom
- Will Smith Poured G-Fuel Over the Borlon 

J&B's Blue Ribbon
- Great Barrier Queef
- Zapruder? I barley know her
- Dis dick is a nile long

Jack's American Pub
- Four Leaf Clover I hardly know here
- Harry Potter Has Always Sucked, Sorry
- These Beasts are Looking for Some Beauties 
- You Need a Pi to Measure My Circumference
- Aint no llama drama but I'll alpaca
- Chode Island
- Mary Poppins alway breaks wind as she’s leaving

JB's Blue Ribbon
- Dunkin my hancock into Kim Kardashian

Magoo's on the Mound
- Winning trivia money like Brett Favre wins government money
- Extreme Makeover: Whore Edition
- There's a placebo in my leather pants
- Umami likes the large tentacles

- Drag your squid lacrosse my zipper
- Magnum’s for my dirty harry
- My mom celebrates pie day by shaving her vagina 
- Yukon deez nutz
- I Rhode Pandora’s Box 
- Baby Cheeses
- John Lennon for President 
- The That Milwaukee Bullshit 
- Ganymede, More like Ganja Weed

Milwaukee Brat House - Downtown
- Brexit out my pants
- The Maxim Condom
- I quizzed myself 
- I have the daily sex… I mean dyslexia
- I Have Daily Sex...Oh Wait, I Mean I'm Dyslexic
- Ned Flanders Offers Free Mustache Rides
- Iowa Sluts
- Clinton's VP's
- Play trivia and go home and fuck the prom queen
- Raw dogs 
- Queen Elizabeth beating it to John Quincy Adams great balls of fire 
- Goodness, gracious blue balls on fire

Milwaukee Brat House - Shorewood
- In 1969 pope John Paul unzipped my zipper
- Schlitzd our pants 
- I’m a sloth and I fart like my life depends on it 
- Did Aaron Rodgers see his shadow yet?
- Big daddy likes sloth farts
- Chat gpt told me that 4 inches is actually bigger than average 
- I would eat Pandora’s box
- In the streets we trust, in single mothers we bust
- Your mom's a 400 lb arctic mammal with elongated tusks 
- Space race down my leather pants, daddy
- That speed round was racist! Cancel Quizmaster 
- Willy wankers chocolate fucktory
- That’s no moon, it’s your mom 
- Nine inch males
- The only thing more broken than my bracket is your mom 

Mo's Irish Pub - Tosa
- Trade Karen Rodgers.

MobCraft - Denver
- Mob Deep, Craft Beer
- Timothy Chalamet gave the Oompa Loompas Chlmydia

MobCraft - Milwaukee
- Should've have chosen Brett Favre as my Financial Advisor
- My wife doesn't fart either
- Pandora's Dick in a Box

- Show me your Mr. Brown and I'll show you Mr. Pink 
- Very Stupid One Penis
- That's so suite life of quizmaster trivia 
- A C D(eez nuts)
- Eating corn the long way
- I'm a Rossituer on Only Fans 
- I got a job today!
- I can fire ping pong balls from my arse 
- balls

Panther Pub
- Quiz Teama Aguilara
- Stu. Ped
- The Silly Wonkas

Perspective Brewing
- Drink Apple Juice because OJ will Kill You
- Unemployed Hand Model Looking for Hand Jobs
- Chat GPT Replacements/Penicillin 
- Mom's Spaghetti
- Wait, Trump Didn't Get Arrested Today? 
- 50 Shades of Greyhound

Pete's Pub
- The Trojans Could Have Used a Condom Against the Trojans
- Your Mom Plays Quizmaster
- The Denver airport conspiracy goes deeper than me and your mom <3
- Whatcha gonna do with Mr T’a great balls of fire? Beat it.

Pilot Project
- Quizz me, I'm Irish!
- Trivia Jesus

Raised Grain
- Jude takes Hillary's pudding to the beefeater

Rally Time, West Bend
- Let Me See Them Quizzies 
- I Need An Atomic Fondom For Your Mom's Black Hole
- Honey Nut Cherry Hoes
- Tricky Dick Was Dastardly
- Areola Grande
- Slimer? I hardly know 'er

Second Salem Brewing
- The Tax Evaders
- VSOP: Viagra Stifens (sic) Our Penises
- Doc said my spotted dick is humorous
- The Leprechaun's Woodie

- Dunkin Donut & Drunkin Grown Ups

- Hot Hot Corgis On Muscle Beach 
- Who You Calling Epeius?
- Self Erecting Luffing Jibs
- Lance Armstrong's Nutty Pesto
- This Is Why, This Is Why, This Is Why I'm HOT
- Prisoners of Ass-kaban
- She's Slimin On My Great Balls of Fire

State Line Distillery
- My Other Car Is a Cat!
- Die hard is better than your favorite Christmas movie 
- Gotta keep an eye out for Selener
- Taylor Swift's Tuscan Chickpea Dip
- Fake news, the most popular emojis are absolutely the eggplant and the peach 
- Auto-bahn-mi

Station 1 Brewing
- Vickery Village Idiots 
- Spring Ahead-Sleep Like the Dead
- Otrivia Newton John

Third Space
- What Gets Big on an Australian to Attract? Their Penal Colony
- Hey moderator, that’s a French Horn
- A Slap at the Oscars cancelled Will Smith, but this song didn't?

Uncommon Pints
- Armstrong’s missing nut
- Name that Tune screwed us - Signed the tone deafs

UpDown MKE
- Penetrating Helen with a latex Trojan 
- Alfred Hitchcocks Trojan horse cock
- Schlong Island Iced Titties
- Mission Impossible: Find the Clit 
- Boy George Doesn’t Care About Jackie Robinson
- Titanic Rowing Team
- Backstreet Boy Lance Bass for President 2024
- Cocker? I howdah know her!
- She Beat It Then I Slimer 
- The Adams Addams Adams Family

- The latex Trojan horses
- boy George and the conquistadors 
- I’m looking for a team name 
- backsplash
- Back splashed trio
- Howdah like to hit my Olympic balls and cum on my backsplash
- Slimer in the face 
- oh the huge manatee!! 
- We were ugly babies

Whole Foods - East Side Tap
- Boats & hoes
- I thought this was speed dating
- Quiznerds of Odds

Whole Foods - Streeterville (Chicago)
- One LightFOOT in the grave
- Buzzed Bees
- The penis bone is mightier

Whole Foods - The Tosa Tavern
- The Baby Is Drunk
- oof, that was not worth a drive in the snow
- ForeClover Skin
- Central Waterstan is my favorite country

Wisconsin Brewing Co.
- Coagulative corroborators 
- Suburban Smarties 
- Quiz in my Pants 
- Sir Reginald and the Knights of the two round tables


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