The quiz is slated to take place between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. that night. There are no NFL games that day (besides the Pro Bowl) as it's the Sunday before the Super Bowl.
The quiz comes in conjunction with the recently released movie The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug...
The quiz will test Middle Earth's finest queeps on their Lords of the Rings knowledge as well as the first two Hobbit films. The questions will rotate mostly around the movies rather than the books.
The event will also be held to raise money for charity, with the $5 per person entry fee going to a charity of the winning team's choice.
Jack's will also feature drink specials (to be announced) for the evening's event too.
And following our hugely successful Breaking Bad and Anchorman quizzes at the Three Lions in late 2013, which raised about $1000 for charity, we hope to raise even more dollars for another good cause.
There's no need to pre-register --- just show up on the day and grab a seat. But be warned, arrive earlier rather than later, as many queeps might have trouble finding a seat!!