It was a heart-pounding day of quizzin' at the Milwaukee Ale House this past Sunday, as the bar opened it's doors for Wisconsin's trivial elite (and about sixty other people who wanted to drink a lot during trivia), as Quizmaster Cup VI got underway at 1pm.
(And a heads up that a fantastically-full collection of photos from the event can be found at our Facebook page).
And quizzers were vying for over $1000 in great prizes on the day...

Including plenty of booze courtesy of the Milwaukee Brewing Company and Wisconsin's very own Black Dot Vodka...

And in fact, all teams that appeared on the day got a bottle of Black Dot just for participating! See, your mum was right, it is the taking part that counts!!
Many thanks to them for being great partners for the big day! BAM!
And of course, the Quizmaster Cup winners would walk away with the coveted trophy and gold medals, which were forged in the fires of Mount Doom many moons ago...

And so the cup got off to a flying start with the Minute of Music Madness Video Round, in which teams had to name as many artists and song titles as possible! Oh, and the video and audio did not match...
And here are the answers in case you missed it...
It was a challenging round to start for some, but the Quizmaster Cup veterans, namely Quizmaster Cup IV champions Fuckin' Wolverine, seemed to polish off the first round with a bit of ease...

We're pretty sure they enjoyed this Cup's comic book / super hero theme, although we've seen them dress up way better in the past!
And speaking of dress-up, there were actually a few teams in the (ale) house that did come dressed to impress, and Dana's Silver Hammer, who won their tickets at the Halloween costume quiz, were bound to be in the appropriate attire...

At least a few of them were!
As too were The Evil League of Evil, who really went all-out with their outfits...

They even got the Caped Crusader and his sidekick to team up with them for a pic!
Yes, the Quizmasters DO work out.
But, it was the devious, devilish squad of comic book villains that would eventually reign supreme in the costume department...

Squad 666 looked awesome, especially when their costumes were all hand-sown!! But more about them later; would they compete in the trophy honors come 4pm?!
The music madness round was quickly followed by the Drink While You Think round (bracket 1), which saw quizzers chug a beer before they could answer a Family-Feud style question...

Four Drink While You Think brackets ensued throughout the course of the Cup, with the Final Four coming at the climax of the event. Results to be revealed later...
And so the quiz madness continued with several wager rounds (always tricky!), and the "flash ahhh" lightning round also tested queeps abilities to answer under pressure!

Just 12 seconds left! Aaargh!
And in true Quizmaster fashion, QMs Ryan, Sam and Pete surveyed the Ale House to check on teams and capture some principal photography, especially when all received a bottle of FREE Black Dot...

We sure know Aunt May What’s Buzzing in Your Nightstand (above) weren't complaining about that, and neither were two-time silver-medal Cup recipients Coitus Interuptus...

They really take the "drink" part of Quizmaster's slogan to heart! Good times.
Elsewhere, Quizmaster Cup virgins (nothing wrong with that!) The Overthinkers were enjoying the super Sunday Funday festivities...

All the way from Franklin (or is it Oak Creek?) we believe!
And speaking of traveling, the Quizmasters welcomed a team from Sheboygan in the shape and form of We'll Probably Win...

They didn't.
Win, that is.
But we love them the same.
But that's just up the road considering that QM Cup debutants The Post Coital Weepers took a four-hour round-trip from A-T0wn (that would be Appleton, people!) to take part in the fun and games...

Wait! That's Jim's Place Quizmaster Tyler Sjostrom! Infidels!!
They finished in a very respectable fifth place in the end. Thanks for coming down guys!!
And just because we can, Quizmaster was also giving away Milwaukee Repertory Theater tickets to one lucky team, courtesy of the Caption Contest...

Teams simply had to fill the bubble in with a humorous gag to get their hands on the Rep tickets, and in the end it was the caption "I'm Jerry Sandusky and You're Too Old For Me" from team Hail Caesar Romero! that won that swag...

Wait, that bottle of Black Dot is already half empty!
Good effort!
Other finalist captions included:
- Screw Super Bowl I... The River Dance tryouts are next week
- Do These Pleats Make My Dick Look Big?
- Moves Like Jagger? I Got My Swagger from Hines Ward
- I don't care what Aaron Rodgers says, the Discount Double Check is my move

And long-serving quizzers Team Team had a front row seat, but we have a feeling their cup aspirations weren't quite as ambitious...

Oh, did we say FREE BLACK DOT VODKA!!
And speaking of Black Dot, the staff at the Wisconsin vodka company actually had a team at the event...

Quizmaster gave them 3% off on their registration fee! ;)
Why is all the rum gone? were asking all the right questions as usual, and got a front row seat too...

We also welcomed new team Jerry Sandusky should have been an Italian Prime Minister if he wanted to have sex with minors...

They were having way too much fun sitting at the bar!
Also, Quizmaster veterans, and current Ale House trivia league champions Pluckin' Ain't Easy were on cue....

And Piss and Shake were also back at the Cup to challenge for honors...

And there was also another first at Quzimaster Cup, as team Pretty Finger ASL had some team members with hearing disabilities, but the more the merrier in our eyes...

Thanks for coming out guys!!
And rounding off the pack of 24 teams were the lovely ladies of the Queep Creeps, who finished in a resounding 24th place...

Happy to smile for a pic as ever though!
And so, when all was (almost) said and done, the Quizmasters threw in the final massive video round, worth 27 points, so to round off the festivities in style...
And the answers again...
And so after ten round of trivia, three wager rounds, three video rounds and a lot of drinking the results were in.
In an impressive third place, Quizmaster loyalists Every Time You Text and Drive swallowed up the bronze medal...

Even Luigi and his dirty mustache got in on the act! An impressive finish for a four-person team!

The heart breaker for them is knowing that if one of their wager questions was correct (they answered true on the true or false question about alligators living in New York City sewers during World War II!!) they would have ended up winning by four points, instead of coming second by just two points!!!
Damn wager round!
Hey, they still got silver medals and a $100 bar tab for their efforts.
And so, it was with little surprise that Quizmaster Cup III, Quizmaster Cup V and Quizmaster Pirate Cruise champions Miltown Junks, showed they are Wisconsin's trivia team to beat, as they rolled up their sleeves with 124 points to take their fourth major trophy at a Quizmaster event...

Congrats to them on another win. We think drinking out of the trophy was probably an appropriate way to celebrate...

But the Drink While You Think Final Four was also to be decided and the contestants lined up, sporting their Quizmaster swag for the final countdown...

And the Family-Feud style question asked:
"Name something that gets passed around?"
The results were read and the crowd paused...

The top answer turned out to be "STDs" (Herpes, people)....
And, you guessed it, those damn Miltown Junks (and Quizmaster Cup VI MVP Brian Bau) that took home the 8 cases of beer too...

The infamous Quizmaster Cup double-sweep!
But alas, the triple sweep eluded them as the best-dressed prize went to the aesthetically awesome Squad 666...

They each got a bottle of Black Dot and the coveted Box of Britishness. The box's contents are top secret, but page three girls and completed crosswords are rumored to be among it...

Ow! Ow! Or should that be MEOW!
Quizmaster founder Ryan Wickens wants to thank all 137 quizzers that came out on the day for a fun event. We apologize to any teams who's photos were missed, and check out our Facebook page for even more photos from the event!
Be sure to watch this space, as Quiz Bowl II is coming to Replay Sports Bar in December and promises to be equally as massive!
Until the next Cup Milwaukee, drink while you think...
Sunday November 13th, 2011 Quizmaster Cup VI scores:
- 124 Miltown Junks
- 122 In My Pants
- 116 Every time you text and drive
- 114 Pluckin Aint Easy
- 113 Post Coital Weepers
- 112 Albino Platypi
- 111 Fuckin’ Wolverine
- 109 Trizbune
- 108 Coitus Interuptus
- 105 Evil League of Evil
- 102 Aunt May What’s Buzzing in Your Nightstand
- 100 Squad 666
- 100 Why is all the rum gone?
- 99 Hail Caesar, Romero!
- 98 Piss and Shake
- 95 Black Dot
- 93 Dana’s Silver Hammer
- 93 Team Team
- 89 Rusty Sanchez & the Dirty Trombones
- 87 We’ll Probably Win
- 81 Jerry Sandusky Should Have Been an Italian Prime Minister...
- 81 The Overthinkers
- 65 Pretty Finger ASL
- 63 Queep Creeps